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This week we are reviewing Robert Eggers‘ The Lighthouse. It’s a descent into madness that doesn’t hold your hand. The performances of Willem Defoe and Robert Pattinson are worth the price of admission, but everything related to the production design, sound, and script are all of the highest caliber.

In his sophomore film, Robert Eggers follows up The Witch with a romcom set in Nova Scotia. Willem Defoe plays an experienced sailor, and Robert Pattinson plays his young and supple protege. In this will they won’t they romantic drama, they fight happiness every step of the way, until it finally wears them down.

Here is the trailer.
Synopsis for The Lighthouse (2019)
Actually, The Lighthouse is about two lighthouse keepers, or wickies, that are stationed in a remote lighthouse in New England. Willem Defoe plays Thomas Wake, an elderly salty seaman, and Robert Pattinson plays Ephraim Winslow a young man trying out a new career. As Wake domineers over Winslow, forcing him to do all the hard labor up-keeping the tattered lighthouse, he spends the coveted watch basking naked in the glow of the lamp. Winslow wants some of that sweet naked basking action, and he slowly descend into madness.
Review of The Lighthouse
If you are going into this film expecting another The Witch, you are going to be disappointed. This is a much more surreal and confusing film. However, what this movie does share with Eggers’ first film is a meticulously historically accurate film with a unique and striking visual style. While I might not have liked this film as much as I thought I would, I can’t help but have respect for Eggers’ ambitious artistic vision. Pattinson and Defoe are perfect casting for this film, and they both give amazing performances. There are some really great scenes and monologues in this film. General audiences will probably be turned off by a lot of the choices that were made in terms of narrative and visual style, but film students will be creaming over this movie for years to come.
Is The Lighthouse a Horror Movie?
Is this a horror movie? Kind of. It has enough horror elements to qualify it way more than a movie like Happy Death Day 2U. Most of the focus is on the tension between the two main characters, and the mental instability caused by seclusion and alcoholism. That being said, there are Lovecraftian and folkloric horror elements.
Visual Style
The most striking aspect of the visuals of the film is it’s aspect. RATIO, that is. It is shot in 1.19:1 aspect ratio, which is basically square. It evokes a kind of claustrophobia and intimacy that is rare in a theatrical experience.

This is not to say that we are unfamiliar with this framing in modern times. Instagram, is one of the most popular social media platforms for digesting imagery.
It was shot on 35mm black and white Double-X 5222 film using a Panavision Millennium XL2 camera with vintage Baltar lenses from the early 20th century.
The film stock required a much brighter light source to get exposure, so they had to use about 15 to 20 times more light on set to actually see anything on film. Because of this, the crew would often wear sunglasses.
Sound Design
The sound design on this film is great. Along with the anachronistic visual style, the sound on this film is mixed in mono. This doesn’t hinder the film in any noticable manner.
The music by Mark Korven stays out of the way, and mostly features wind instruments in an aleatoric style.
The one sound that will stick with you is the sound of the foghorn. According to IMDB trivia, Damian Volpe, the sound designer on the film, consulted with J.J. Jamieson, a YouTuber that does tutorials on operating and maintaining foghorns. They made recordings of a period-accurate foghorn that Volpe then manipulated to create a foghorn sound that was uniquely ominous.
Production Design
The production design on The Lighthouse was very impressive. The look of the film was historically accurate to the 1890s. They even built a full-sized working lighthouse in Nova Scotia for the film, They consulted with a historical lighthouse lens manufacturer to build a period appropriate lens.

The interiors were shot on a sound stage, but looked they looked like they were right there next to the ocean.
The real star of the show was the weather. Eggers stated that a lot of the more dramatic shots of weather were real.
The Acting
The acting was superb by both leads. Willem Defoe was born to play a crusty ex-sailor lighthouse keeper. He plays with the appropriate gravitas and vulnerability that was demanded by the script.
Pattinson really shines here. This might be a career defining role for him. He has come a long way since Twilight and is hitting it out of the park in his latest roles. Pattinson plays Winslow perfectly in the beginning of the film as an empathy inducing protagonist opposite the overbearing Wake. But slowly and with much skill, he is able to show Winslows slow descent into madness and reveal many new colors within the character by the end of the film.

Our Score
Spoilers for The Lighthouse
Click to expand for spoilers…
This movie features a lot of farts. early and often. I really felt for poor Winslow, since I can empathize sitting across from a flatulator in a confined space.
There are a lot of confusing elements in this film by design. It’s hard to say whether some elements of the story are spoilers or not, given they are so open to interpretation.
Naked Lighthouse Keeping
One element of the story is that Winslow is very interested in usurping Wake in the coveted night watch in the lens room.
Winslow peeps on Wake at different times throughout the movie. Early on he sees Wake naked and drunk at the top of the tower. Wake is seemingly in love, or at the very least, enchanted with the lighthouse light.
Later Winslow is able to catch glimpses of Wake in the tower possibly having sex with a tentacled monster.
Bad Luck to Kill a Seabird
When Winslow complains about a meddling seagull, Wake informs him that “It’s bad luck to kill a seabird”.
Winslow doesn’t take Wake’s advice and is later shown violently killing the one-eyed seagull that keeps seemingly mocking him.
After the death of the bird, things do not go well for the pair. The wind changes and the boat that was supposed to relieve them couldn’t make landfall because of the poor weather. Winslow slowly goes crazy and the lighthouse itself starts coming apart at the seams.
One interpretation is that Winslow brought a curse upon himself by killing the seagull. However, it is just as likely that his hallucinations and violence are caused by his alcoholism. The change in their fates also coincided with Winslow starting to drink (immediately to excess).
It’s up for the audience to decide.
The Ending of The Lighthouse Explained
Winslow reveals to Wake that his real name is also Thomas and that he is responsible for the death of a lumberman that he used to work with. Winslow’s murderous side is revealed at the end of the movie when he violently attacks Wake and buries him alive.
He finally ascends the lighthouse tower to see what all the fuss is about. When we looks into the light, he is blinded and falls to his death on the rocks below. The final shot of the movie shows Winslow on the rocks with his entrails being eaten by seagulls.
Eggers has stated in interviews that the death was an allusion to the myth of Prometheus, the god that defied the other gods to give men light, and was condemned to live eternity tied to a rock and have an eagle eat his liver everyday.
Final Recommendations for The Lighthouse
This film is highly recommended, but if you are allergic to art-house film, you might need an Epi-pen. A lot of people are going to interpret a lot of the choices in this film as pretension, but it is undeniably a well crafted film with interesting and compelling characters. You definitely won’t find another film like this one in recent history.
Horror Movie Talk Pumpkin Carving Contest Entries

Horror Movie Talk Episode 69: The Lighthouse Review Transcript
Click to expand for the full transcript of the episode.
This episode Brought to you by Crazy Tom’s Beard Oil. With so many trendy hipsters with beards, it’s getting harder and harder for a hobo like yourself to show people that you’re not to be fucked with. Well, with crazy Thomas Beard Oil you can keep. Your beard is disheveled as 17th century sailors taint. When people see your beard with crazy times beard oil, they’ll cross to the other side of the street before they can even hear you talk about the voices. That’s crazy. Tom’s beard Oil available wherever. Two. Buck, Chuck Isolde Hello and welcome to horror movie talk and opinionated and accidentally funny horror movie review Show your panel of experts. Hosts each week are Dr Bryce Hanson, who holds a phD in spookology, and Professor David Day, the foremost expert on scare No-nos. New theatrical releases get priority, but we also review older horror movies both good and horrible. I’m break dancing. Hey, I’m David. Who are you going? Okay, David Day, David Day. Not to be mistaken for, um, little play or big say more David Gay Professor David D ad junk. I should say adjunct Professor David Day because you work professionally outside of the university. In scare. No nose, right? Yeah, I have. I’d like to, um I’d like to showcase a little bit of my super sexy voice. All right, this is for uncomfortable. So thank you for listening into horror movie talk. If your first time listener just want to tell you a couple things to get you integrated into the cult of Holder movie talk, go to our website at horror movie talk dot com. There’s three words in there that are very easy to remember because you like horror movies and we’re talking about him and there you’ll find links to all our social media were on pretty much everything. I mean, we’re even on tic tac, and we have no business being on tic tac. No, I mean well, as voyeurs. I mean, uh, God damn look at those hot children that would really prefer what What I’ve learned from tic tac. What I’ve learned, what that social media is mainly for is for theater kids that are underage, marching in place. That’s accurate. That’s sorry. A very attractive underage theater. Kids marching in place. That’s like 90% of tic tac, right? But I mean, you’re like, you’re like some some kind of like golden God, if you’re, like, older than 28 also very attractive. Yeah, it’s like a mim to be even in your 30. If you’re in your thirties on tic tac, they’ll call you a boomer. Yeah, it’s just anyway, so I check off the rails. Um, God damn, it’s hot, children. We post it every post every Wednesday, um, in the morning. So subscribe to the podcast if you like what you hear and also whether you like it or not, please leave us our rating on iTunes if you use an iPhone, and if you have any friends or relatives or stranger on the street, that has left their phone unattended, open up their apple podcasts and leave us a star rating because you don’t even have to write a review. Just star rating is not what we want. Price. I’ve been thinking about it. We really need to start appealing to listeners who run a back alley phone Resale racket. Yes, like like a like a pick pocketing racket. So, like, you know, like around the Eiffel Tower, there’s just people who just going to swipe your phone constantly. If we could get in touch with those people and just maybe sort of set up some sort of, uh, some sort of amicable thing that they give us reviews and we give them shekels. What are they looking for? Yeah, Frank’s little miniature Eiffel Towers T cell. All right, I know this madness. We’ve got a great show today. This is what happens when two men are left alone in a room for too long together. Yes. Today we’re gonna be talking about the lighthouse. We’ll start out by giving a brief review and our score for the film. We score on a scale of 1 to 10 1 being a miserable dredge when it makes you angry that you just watched it. Five being a perfectly average film that hits all the expected marks on 10. Being so good at transcends yonder bandage. I mean, you all know what one through 10 mean. After we give our score, we go into a deeper dive into what we liked and hated about the film and talk about spoilers. And then, later on, we will be doing a couple bits. Number one perennial favorite tag lines where we come up with alternate taglines for the film and then drum roll. We’re gonna announce the winner of our pumpkin carving contests are super super popular pumpkin carving. Actually, it turned out to be like there was a lot of last minute under the wire submission. Yeah, it was like the last day people were like, Fuck this shit I’m in, like, yeah, yeah, and actually, I’m gonna I’m leaving this leaving it on. I haven’t turned it up. So if within the next 20 minutes, as we’re recording not that everyone knows that we are, if someone submits, will will include them. And, I mean, it’s not so popular that we can’t review Every single pumpkin was on air, was it? Was it like, 10 or 11 pumpkin. Some, like there was 99 pumpkin, nine pumpkins. But some really impressive. Yeah. They range the gamut from total absolute abject shit to the most amazing pumpkins I’ve ever seen. So within nine is apparently that’s That’s the amount you need right to. That is a decent sample size to get a winner, right? So again, we went to the lighthouse and it was a descent into madness. Truly a descent into madness. Here is the trailer. Oh, take me. What’s a timber man want with being a wicky? Just looking around living. It’s like any man starting new on the way secrets, you know? Wait, How long have we been on this rock point? Weeks. Two days? Let me recollect. Man, That foghorn sounds like a kaiju. What, like a Godzilla type monster? Oh, yeah, it sure does. Yeah. You know, just before we go on, I am gonna have to apologize for my voice. I, uh I’m ill now. It sounds great. Sounds rough. And Hey, baby, humble rough and or tumble. Tell us about the lighthouse price. The lighthouse is in theaters right now. I’m pretty excited to talk about this movie. Yeah, this this one is a very interesting movie to talk about. Yeah, um it’s very specifically that Yeah, like that’s what this movie was made for. It is definitely a film student film. Yeah, and I mean film student in that film, students for a long time, we’re gonna be talking about this film. Oh, my God. There’s just me so many wet panties in that. So, in a sophomore film, Robert Eggers follows up The Witch with a romcom sent in Nova Scotia. William Dafoe plays an experienced sailor, and Robert Pattinson plays his young, simple protege in this Will they won’t they? Romantic drama. They fight happiness every step of the way until it finally wears them down. Finally wears them down. I spat out my teeth. Actually, the lighthouse is about to lighthouse keepers or weak ese that are stationed in remote Lighthouse. In New England, Willem Dafoe plays Thomas Wake, an elderly, salty seamen. And Robert Pattinson plays E from Winslow, a young man trying out a new career as Wake Domine ears over Winslow, forcing him to do all the hard labour of upkeep for the tattered lighthouse. He spends the coveted watch at night, basking naked in the warm glow of the lamp. Literal, yeah, basking naked. Yeah, that’s don’t worry about it. Winslow wants some of that sweet, naked, basking action, and he slowly descent into madness. So I’m glad you had fun with this. If you’re going into this film expecting another the witch, you’re going to be disappointed, Um, but disappointed that it’s not the same type of film and the witch it’s you know you won’t necessarily be disappointed in the film. No, but ifit’s a particular type of film, and it’s gonna turn off a lot of people for a lot of reasons. Yeah, for a lot of reasons in, You know, I said to you yesterday, and this holds true is you gotta like before we record You just gotta, like, scream and lose your voice because you sound just really radio right now. Beautiful. Yeah. Um, So I was disappointed that this movie wasn’t what I wanted it to be, which was another like, slow build tension horror movie. It’s not that it’s not, Ah, horror movie, and it just have slow build. Tension does have a lot attention, but it’s a different kind, right? And it’s about a different, totally different. The the build is into madness instead of into terror, right, which is a a terror in and of itself a little bit, but it is kind of specific, right, and it’s a great movie. It’s just not the same movie at all, right. This is a much more surreal and confusing film than the which, however, what this movie does share with Eggers, his first film is a meticulous, historically accurate film with a unique and striking visual style. Yeah, well, while I might not have loved this film as much as I thought I would I can’t help but have respect for Eggers is ambitious artistic vision. Um And then the other main thing is Pattinson and foe are amazing. I can’t I cannot I cannot believe how good patents in this. Yeah, they was. First of all, it’s perfect casting for both of them. Yeah, absolutely different. Defoe is obviously, like, so perfect for at this point, he’s like a perfectly ripe fruit. He’s just got he just got it down for acting. Yeah, but Pattinson blew me away. Like I was like, Oh, the guy from fucking twilight. Okay. Yeah, all right. But in particular I mean, William Dafoe. Willem Dafoe is a fantastic actor, and he couldn’t be great in anything but in particular this type of role. Oh, yeah, he is so good at I believe he’s that guy. Um they both give amazing performances. There are some really great scenes and monologues in here. General audiences are probably going to be turned off by a lot of the choices that are made in terms of narrated in terms of narrative and visual style. But film students will be creaming over this movie for years to come. I mean, it is just fascinating. And I mean, that’s what the takeaway from listening to our e aster and Robert Eggers in that a 24 podcast. The episode. They’re both huge film nerds like You just really like deep dives into history of filmmaking and, you know, lenses, 100 Eggers shots and stuff. So it comes out in this movie you can really tell in this movie. Well, almost to the point where it’s a little bit like yeah, okay, guy looking to shoot in 11 like, Yeah, I mean, it’s It’s a little that’s a little so that shooting in a 11 ratio makes it almost like on the surface. Do she? Yeah. I mean, it’s it would be very easy, And I’m sure there’s gonna be plenty of people in our horror or just General Egg. And general audiences are gonna look at this and be like, Well, this guy’s a huge, pretentious douche, right? Like this is just but also it is insulting to my sensibility. If he is that he’s way better at it than anybody else. Oh, yeah? Yeah, you know, kind of Shut up. Yes. I mean, it’s still a great movie. Is this a horror movie? Kind of. It has enough horror elements to qualify. Um, it’s way more of a horror movie than Happy Death Day to you. Oh, my God. Ah, But most of the focus is on the tension between the two main characters and the mental instability caused by seclusion and alcoholism. That being said, there are definitely some Lovecraft ian and folkloric or elements in here. So I kind of struggled with a score for this because I can recognize that it is a great, great film, but also, it’s not completely for me, right? I was There was some really great moments that I really enjoyed, but I don’t know if I’m going to be revisiting this film very much. And I know I laughed several parts and wince like it was very effective. Oh, yeah, and really beautiful. Um, but I can’t give it a 10 out of 10 like I did the witch e. I think the which is just a perfect movie. And this one I don’t know. I mean, it’s It’s just It’s so subjective. It’s a preference thing, but I give it a eight out of 10. Yeah, so I, too, have been thinking about this score. Excuse me for a while now, and Ah, and I seem to be hovering around a 72 and nine. And I know what you’re talking about. Like with the witch. Um, there’s nothing. There’s no fat on the bone. It all it’s all it’s all very wait well laid out. It’s all very intentional. But the problem is, the subject matter of this is losing your mind and so happy. And so there is a lot of nefarious, weird, extraneous baloney, right? That adds to that in ways that well, that could’ve been cut out. But could it right? Like Okay, well, now I get to see Willem Defoe kind of humping his bed in a in a in a in a take. This isn’t the spoiler section sleeping in a peeping tom sort of way. Is that necessary? Well, no. But also yes, because like, this is about two men going mad together, right? And ah, and so I think I think in If you ask me in eight months the same way. If you ask me in eight months about the house that Jack built, I think I’ll like this movie a lot more. Yeah, yeah, and it’s a good point in so because Because my expectations will have been tempered and I won’t I won’t expect another which I will have gone. Oh, that’s a movie about losing your mind. And it’s perfect at that. Yeah, and so I don’t know. I think I think I fall between eight and nine. Something like that. I’m not crazy ecstatic about it. Yeah, and that’s a taste thing, But it’s a It’s a great movie, so you gotta choose. Is it eight or nine? That’s I mean right now as as it as it stands, I’d say it’s a high eight. Okay, Yeah, see? I mean, I originally was going to give it a seven, and then I stood back and I was like Huh, It’s too good to be a seven iss. It really is that the quality of the of the craft is so impressive. Acting alone makes is so is so great yet that it has for me, it’s just Oh my God like it was so, so brilliant watching the chemistry between the phone patents and like, yeah, I mean, it’s enchanting. Yeah, it was. It was it. And it’ll stick with you in a weird sort of salty breeze kind of way. Yeah, so that’s our score. Before we get into spoilers, let’s talk about some business items. This is what we call our mid roll section. Please check out our patri on if your ah, long time listener or if you’re starting to get into the show and like it, support us directly by going to our patron, you’ll get access to special patron bonus content. 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He is really great in his very generous with his talent to the podcast. The last four episodes have featured artwork by him and just fantastic. And this one, um, has a great cover art for it. So check Goto horror movie talk dot com or any of our social media and also shudder if you haven’t already signed up for shudder from Halloween. Um, you still have a chance to use HMT a check out to get a 30 day free trial for shudder? Shudder is a horror movie and television streaming service akin to Netflix, but has a great curated horror content. You probably know what sugar is If you’re listening to us right now, let me just say you need shudder for Halloween. You just do. And with 30 days free, that’ll get you over in the in a fucking Thanksgiving at this point. So sign up for shutter using HMT it. Check out and you’ll help us out and you’ll get to stream tons of free horror. And and then, if you want to sign up after that, it’s super cheap. It’s like three or four bucks a month. Yeah, so yeah, again. Thanks for listening. Let’s get into school. Boilers, boilers, Spoilers. Okay, so this is a movie that you don’t necessarily have to talk about all the beats of it of the film because I still don’t really know what went on through a lot of it. There’s a couple things to hit in terms of plot, but really, I wanted to talk about it’s some of the It would be annoying in the extreme to hit it be by being Yeah, so just want to talk about some of the elements that stood out and that were really great and unique about this film. Um, first of all, the visual style is really striking right off the bat. It’s you really hard if they start out on a ship in the fog. And it’s just this gray screen with this haunting like you like he said, Like Kaiju esque, um moaning, foghorn in the distance. That’s just that kind of shakes the whole theater. Yeah, well, that would be sound. Um, but we’re talking about visual style. Oh, my apologies. Sorry. Put you on blast. So first thing that you notice is ah, the aspect ratio is 1.19 by one, which is basically square. Yeah, it looks like an instagram frame. And it’s one of those things that and it’s in black and white. So black and white square aspect ratio And even I knowing Eggers and that this is gonna be a super artistic film. And I think I even heard that the aspect ratio was gonna be that. But even I was expecting after the intro to be like and now it widens out in tow. Widescreen. It’s like, No, no, you The full time is that aspect ratio super confined and claustrophobic, which actually works really good for the subject matter. Yeah, and the and there are not a lot of any time you’re with a person in this movie, you’re close to them. It the framing is Cloris. It’s lots of close ups. Yeah, and I mean putting it in that aspect ratio is really interesting in terms of the balance of the conflict, the framing of it, of the shots. I don’t know, it’s it just has a really unique style is really evocative, Um, showing stuff in such unequal framing. You know that the one thing that does bother me about like Ma modern movie trends is this is and it’s inescapable at this point, it seems like because even the lighthouse is doing it, which is these cut These jump cut edits where you just cut back and forth between two people talking instead of having a full frame of them talking. And I understand the reasoning behind it in this moving. But in movies like Transformers or something like that, work just any blockbuster movie where you constantly have to be looking directly at the face of the person who is talking to the other person, who then it jumps to and it it cuts up the movie in this weird, like if you go back and watch Hitchcock or if you go back and watch movies from from the forties or fifties that you get these long panning shots that are that are granted, they’re probably much, much harder to capture in terms of acting, because you can just have a take. You have to have people act against each other very, very in a very convincing way, and it doesn’t lend itself to the cutting room floor very well. But I would like to see a movie that doesn’t that has these long panning shots. Yeah, it feels like older movies definitely used the two and three shot a lot more and put put people in the you know, what would he call that? They stage it a lot better toe, but it’s also the films of those older generations are also much more closely related to stage, and so they’re used to blocking for Stage two, where you know people are frame to sir, they’re they’re facing a certain way. It’s where it’s all very convenient to see him at the same spot, right, But it’s But for the viewer, it’s a continuity thing. It’s a little bit disorienting. It’s I didn’t notice that in this in this movie I mean, there’s a lot of jump cuts and stuff that that air a little giant on purpose. But I didn’t know specifically that, Um, I mean, it’s something that I watch for just because my uncle well will literally not watch anything past a certain year because he’s like It’s too. He noted that he said, he’s basically it’s just just too jarring for me and I don’t I don’t appreciate the craft as much as I do. And so now I have an eye out for it. And, ah, that’s interesting. And he’s right, you know it is. It is choppy. But anyway, so the look of this film is also affected by the technology used. They used some really, really old technology. Older lenses, older cameras really film, nerdy stuff, older film stock. The film stock was I’m not a nerd enough to actually say what the film they used was. But what I did find out about it is that it requires really high exposure, like you have to have said something like they had the light it like 20 times brighter than normal. Thio, get stuff visual, you know. So apparently, even though this film feels really dark, really 10 through a lot of it, apparently, like the thing the Via Crew would have to wear like sunglasses a lot of the time because it was so brightly lit. That’s crazy. Um, and this all gives the effect that this film is plucked out of time. Yeah, it’s there’s a shot early on of Dafoe and patents and basically looking in the frame as they’re approaching the lighthouse or their know they’re looking at the at the boat sail away beginning and it literally looks like an old West photo or like a World war documentary shot, just like Okay, guys, stand here. I just wanna I just want to get a shot of E. And it looks like two grizzled war veterans that are like, what? I got to stand here and do this shit money I got. I gotta feed them hogs, you know, like it’s the so I mean, there’s a lot of that element that all this visual style really evokes. Yeah, and as in right following that as the boat as they’re watching the boat slip away into the fog. It feels like a miniature Feels like they’re using a miniature boat. Then they Maybe because it slips off into like this What feels like a miniature set? Yeah, and missed. It kind of just disappears into the mist. Um, okay, let’s Now, let’s talk about the sound design of the movie, which is also fantastic. Um, like you said, What were you gonna say about the foghorn? Oh, it was just It was rattling. And it was, you know, it was, um Yeah. Okay, so if you’re going to if you’re going to live on top of the foghorn and there’s fog around, it’s going to be pervasive to the extreme. I mean, the sound is just going to be all encompassing. And it felt that way in the theater. It felt it felt like, uh, oppressive. It was this, um Oh, it was like a war siren and it Ah, it was loud and deep and long and it didn’t stop. It felt it felt a little Tetsuo the Iron Man e at the start of this movie, when he’s like in the, uh, in the coal room, you know? Yeah. And the result this machinery around him. It felt very claustrophobic and loud. Yeah, so the that sound. They used recordings of period accurate foghorns. Apparently, the sound designer on this film went to this guy on YouTube that makes YouTube videos, of course, maintaining foghorn landlord about period foghorns. I think I’ve actually seen some of the videos which are really soothing, like it just shows him, like oiling and maintaining these old foghorns, and you see it winding up and slowly, like the machinery’s like taking away, and then it slowly winds up. Ah, you know, it’s really cool anyway, So they took the, like, the period accurate foghorn sounds, and they manipulated them to be more ominous, memorable and unique to the film. It really is a unique sound and very like menacing. Yeah, and the in the sound of the ocean. And the weather is always in the background and always, always kind of washing over you and the music is there, but it’s pretty sparse. It doesn’t get in the way. Um, Eggers talked about just what he wanted with the film. He didn’t want a lot of strings. He didn’t want a lot of, um, you know, orchestrations a lot of wins, Um, mentioned like Alia torque music, which is kind of random chance music chanting No chance. What’s chance? Like roll of the dice Chance I don’t I still don’t know what you’re talking about. Probability. Oh, chance. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Um, So I thought you were saying C h a N t s. And like explaining that dice were an instrument. Bryce, are you insane? The production design? Same. Same with, uh, his previous movie, the which is really impressive. Yeah, just period accurate. They look fantastic. They built an actual life sized working lighthouse from scratch in Nova Scotia. Are you serious? Yeah. So they didn’t They didn’t build all the interiors and stuff, but the the exterior, it was all built up life size, but it is working because they had a period appropriate lighthouse lens created for the film. It’s like, Wow, that’s really cool. And when Robert Eggers talks about the budget is like, yeah, I mean, it was kind of a moderate budget, but I can’t even sometimes I’m I just have to stand back and realize and filmmaking. It’s really expensive. Can you imagine just going to a period lighthouse Lens creator being like, this is the specific dimensions and this is what we’re going for. And they’re like, OK, yeah, well, well, that guy goes home to his wife and he’s like, So well, Ah, film studio approached me and asked me to craft them 1\/2 $1,000,000 light house deal. So, yeah, they really built it. You know, it’s built out of, like, plywood and and apparently, like some kind of printed tarp or whatever, but it looked great. Apparently, the the town in Nova Scotia that could see the lighthouse really wanted to keep it because it looked so cool. But it was gonna fall apart anyway, so they had to tear it down. That’s crazy. Yeah, And then they’re the interiors, though, were shot on a soundstage. A lot of the weather was just practical, like, I mean, not not practical. It was like, literally, that was the weather that was there. I think some of the more extreme ones, like when the wind and rain blows through the wall, you know? Yeah, like, basically destroys the room. That’s probably done on a sound stage. But the exteriors, I don’t think they had to pump in rain. That was really happening. The ocean. I’m sure they were able to shoot the ocean. I was a harsh mistress. Eso it just looks really great. Feel there’s a lot of care and attention given to the look of this film and also speaking of period, appropriate all the dialogue, just like the which was taken from period sources taken from Melville. And it was the other author, another like sailor author and then, like a, I think a nonfiction er or someone like taking interviews from sailors back then and so there’s a lot of words that you’re not used to like Wiki. It would. It would definitely help. Um, this movie, I think, if particularly if Dafoe was subtitled, yeah, because he I mean, he goes hard on on being like, Accurate and e. I mean, he accomplishes like, you know, that old Irishman sound where you’re just like, What the fuck did you say is I like you brought from front and he’s like, is like, It’s like, God damn, I can’t understand a fucking word that you’re saying for a friend. Yeah. I mean, it’s not so bad that you won’t completely understand them and a lot of that old sailor talk like you’ve seen from, you know, parodies of sailors from from that time. Um, but definitely a lot of words that you’re not used to, and a lot of phrases that feel very, you know, real to the time period. So the acting is the standout part. I mean, that’s That’s the one thing like the look and the production and the sound are all amazing. But all of that is completely eclipsed by the performances of the phone. Pattinson. Yeah, it’s and Defoe has I mean he Okay, so obviously the foe is one of those guys who every time you see Amigo, that’s Willem Dafoe. At this point, I kind of like Steve Buscemi or his voice is really distinctive. And his voice is really he’s got. He’s able to have a lot of different colors in his voice, but definitely like the low growl is like his. His a wheelhouse. Yeah, and and so with that being said, it’s as a super recognizable actor I am that makes your job a lot harder, in my opinion, because now you gotta fade into into your character and it’s it’s all it’s made all the more difficult by the fact that everybody knows what you look and sound like. And they go, that’s who you are. But But he did it, man. He disappeared into this role. He is in this. He’s a stinky old, salty bastard who is just ah, his only love is the sea. And, um, man, just a just a fabulous performance. Yeah, I mean, he’s fantastic. And you would expect, like, Okay, this is perfect for Willem Dafoe, and he’s gonna just rocket. And then you kind of expect Lee. I mean, I haven’t seen Robert patents, and I’m a lot of movies. No, I know he’s a better actor than to The Twilight Series would give you the impression, but he was really amazing. Crushed it like, really, he is the He is leading the movie with his performance, a lot of rain. She’s starts out. The film is a really quiet spoken character and really elicits a lot of empathy from the viewer. You’re like, Oh, man, this poor guy like it’s has to deal with this old crusty sailor and it’s kind of unjust, and you’re really, like getting behind him like, yeah, I’m like I’m on board with with, um What’s his name? Uh, went Winslow Elias. Elijah? No. Uh, l l m Allen from e from Winslow, Calum. And ah. And then he just slowly kind of kind of loses you devolves into evolves into, like, to where it’s like, Well, wait a minute. He’s kind of He’s kind of being selfish here is kind of being childish about this. Maybe is not as mature. Yeah, he’s a person now and then. And then it goes into like, Oh, well, that’s Oh, this this guy is making some real bad choices. Yeah, and, ah, it goes real hard into the paint. Yeah, he devolves into a flawed person instead of, you know, basically a ah ah, beating a whipping boy Lots of moments in between. Between ah, being a really empathetic character and and protagonist to like, Oh, this guy’s the villain. Kind of Yeah, yeah, but is he like that’s that’s That’s the coolest part of this movie, is is the movie is essentially gas lighting the audience right? Um, the whole time and I love it. I love that. If it does it, it manages to to mess with you the whole way through and make you question everything that’s going on. Yeah, and it’s not. See, it’s not as obvious as a movie like Memento or right or ah, what’s the other one? That this movie is a lot like What’s that? Leo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese Island Shutter Island? Um, like they’re more obvious ways to, like right to trick the viewer and to show like, Hey, this isn’t what you thought it was right? And this is much more plane with colors like that that that was one thing that I wrote down that even those is a black and white film. This is a very it deals with colors in terms of thematic material and just the the subject matter and how it’s house approached. It’s like a lot of different. Well, it does. It does what I prefer a movie like this does instead of instead of Okay. So it was a great example that you bring up Memento or Shutter Island. So these these movies have truths at the end of them, right? They have absolute truths that they go. No, here’s the answer here. Here’s what actually is really going on, and this movie does not do that, it leaves it fairly. La Billy. It’s like I Which part of that was actually which part of that was actually riel? There are parts that you can pretty easily deduce. That’s probably was him going mad. But there’s plenty of spots where it’s like I don’t I don’t I still don’t know, like, and he leaves it to you to just be like, This is madness, man. Yeah, you’re going. You’re descending with them. It really feels. Feels like an experience. Yeah, days. So the the uncertainty brought in is okay. How much of this is alcoholism vs insanity or what’s the interplay between that? How much of the events are actually supernatural vs, like, hallucinations and madness? Yeah, like that’s names Li like, how much of it is a dream? Yeah, And how much of it is? Is Winslow going mad versus wake fucking with him, right? Like it’s all and you’re never liked all that stuff you’re never given. Never get really straight answer. And like the whole time is it seems as though Wake is a puppeteer and is and is trying to drive this this boy mad. But he’s pretty crazy. Yeah, it comes down to its an unreliable narrator is It’s very much like American Psycho is that you don’t It’s never tipped off whether it’s really eso eso the stuff that happens where Wake says something that completely contradicts what you just saw. Just out with your eyes. And he’s saying, Like So for example, there’s a great scene. Very Ah, the shining esque Uh, you know, actually, this movie, uh, I didn’t write it down, but this movie is a lot like the shining. Yeah, you’re absolutely right. The the actual like book storyline of it cause the Shining is all about alcoholism. Yeah, like the actual source material. And that’s not as clear in the Kubrick movie to me upon first viewing, but it’s really about isolation and alcoholism. And that’s this movie. Yeah, it’s absolutely and ah, so it has this great scene where we see Pattinson chasing after Defoe. No, we see Defoe chasing after Pattinson with an axe like a literal axe murderer in Chase, and they get back to the interior of the lighthouse and they’re talking about it and then wake our Defoe tells Pattinson, was like, you’re going crazy. You just chase me down with an axe. Yeah, and you’re like, Well, wait, the flat the fuck. So So you have your left a question? Did what I see is that not what actually happened was that in Winslow’s head four is wake fucking with Winslow by telling them something opposite happened. And since he’s drunk, he can’t tell the difference. There’s an added element of of the audience being fucked with Yulia. Whoa! Very disorienting. Yeah, it’s disorienting in. You’re just just messing with your head because you go Wait, What? That’s no, wait. What rank and then is such an unreliable narrator because they’re both pretty drunk. I mean, Wake is less drunker towards the 2nd 3rd of the movie like so it’s It’s like, Ah, if it’s through the eyes of Winslow, it’s not reliable. But also if through the eyes awake, it’s not reliable either. You don’t know Wake is lying. Winslow is maybe going crazy. Yeah, Or maybe it is. Maybe he’s not lying for me. He’s not lying. Maybe Winslow is just misinterpreting it, or it’s through his crazy hallucination or something. So you have lots of uncertainty in this one. Um, we went and saw this with Kevin. Um, Kevin wasn’t able to make it to their recording today. I don’t know if he’ll ever be able to make it. I hope he does. Does the audience know who Kevin is? We’ve talked about Kevin once or twice before. Kevin is Ah, long time friend of mine since first grade. Yeah. Um, and he’s we nerd out about film all the time, But he sent me a couple e mails followed up with last night, and I wanted to read some of his comments. Um, first of all, he says on a theme, Hold that one for later. Hey, says, by the way, Thomas Wake is such a fucking fantastic name for an old salty lighthouse keeper, Which is true, Kevin really nerds out of names. And if you ever want to come up with a name for a character in a movie, Kevin, like, is great at coming up with the ridiculous names. Okay, Um, just f y i and he says and again Robert Pattinson. I don’t know if you’re planning on talking about this on the podcast, but I would personally dedicate a whole segment in it. The guy was so stiff in the Twilight Films that he resembled Frankenstein’s monster trying to portray Dracula and has been reeling off one amazing performance after another. As of late, I never saw it coming. Yeah, he’s really impressive in this. Yeah, it’s hard. Okay, so, like, this is such a weird thing. Like it’s so snobby to toe Look at an actor and okay, so my my reaction is there could be good good actors in in what I call Twilight, but there are. But also I don’t like. I particularly don’t like Kristen Stewart. Uh, I think she’s bad. And so I just now there’s this thing that my mind does where it’s like, Oh, you’re associated with Kristen Stewart. Sorry and and and Twilight is hit with, like a triple dose of that right. It’s also a twilight, and there’s Kristen Stewart, and you play it super stiff and your heartthrob like it’s just too much. It’s too much for you to be good in my eyes, and then you come out and you do like an amazing job, and I’m like you’ve overcome my bar when surpassed it. So much so that now I have to stand back and go boy. I’m kind of a dick. Yeah, and also, it turns it into Okay, well, now I got to see what else he’s in, right. Um, it’s interesting the transition of teenage heartthrobs, especially the male version of it, that they It’s hard for them to overcome that I’m sure it’s harder for for women to overcome that. But really, if you think about like Zac Effron or Robert Pattinson, they’re both actually really great actors, like they’re they’re able to give really great performances, but they have to overcome a lot of that like womb. And we’ll leave. Do I get to see his and and for good reason to Zac Effron is a fucking looker. You have a person. Why would I would fuck That is stunning to look at, right? It’s and I mean, there’s no way. If if I were to cash Zac Effron in a in 1\/17 century period piece, I’d have him take a shirt off at some point. Probably his pants, too, because Jesus, front on that on that note, like even Robert Pattinson to Robert Pattinson or, um uh, McConaughey like he’s he’s so yeah, he’s so like colored by his abs. Yeah, and not wearing a shirt that you don’t realize that he’s a fantastic actor. Yeah, all all of them Stunt, like in Pattinson in this lake. Thank God they had him take off his shirt because at some point he took off his shirt like Jesus Christ, that man is chiseled. Oh, man. Well, yeah. Apparently they’re gonna show a lot more of Robert Pence and Root. I heard that there was a shot in the film that was cut. Um was demanded to be cut by the film studio. I think Robert Eggers wanted to have a shot of the lighthouse, um, emulating an erect Penis and then flash cut to an actual erect Penis. Oh, um, owned by stunt Robert Robert Pattinson’s character. So I don’t I don’t know. If it were, that will bring out the stunt cock. I mean, that’s that’s a real tragedy. If it was actually Robert Pattinson’s Kaka that we that we aren’t allowed to see here. Well, that just means you gotta wait for the blue ray. Um hey, you know, ball Ray, I would really like to talk about the smell in this movie star. One of the parts. One of the main element to this movie is the farts. This is great. Um mm. Yeah. Willem Dafoe. Basically, our introduction to him as the characters is him. Pass, pass, pass, pass theme Really big rips it. Sze pervasive and it works Every time I laughed probably every time every day because it is just a old man type. I don’t give a fuck farting and you just see patents and reaction to it. And, you know, I really felt I felt very akin to to that man because it’s basically like what I experienced every day in a podcast. You recording? Yeah. Realizing you’re stuck with a fart er is a hard thing to come to turn through. It’s like, Oh, this guy just doesn’t do my wife my poor wife, like last night and the night before, even like Like, you take a walk out of out of our bedroom in the morning, you know, for five minutes and then come back in and it’s like, Oh, my God, I’m no longer Akeelah mated. 00 it smells so bad. She’s like you were just hot boxing me all nightly. I had some beers at the movie. It made me gassy. Um, yeah, yeah, it was It was gross, but But this dude stuck with a fart er for seven months or no, maybe a month. I think the original. The original stay for their watch was four weeks, it says. And then they said that was what I they missed the boat. And then it’s or the boat doesn’t come because of a storm. We don’t know. It’s undefined on how long this actually takes place, but they go through all of their supplies and they have toe unburied the the emergent emergency store rations, which is just alcohol, apparently like we don’t need like any pickled eggs or anything. Let’s just let’s just give them vodka like a giant box of vodka. Well, I mean it it is. It’s it’s truly is the most important part because when you don’t have potable water, you you need calories and you need you need to be able to drink insult that this is a really This is why sailors were drunk all the time is because they did. They could not store enough potable water and s o and they like to drink, So it worked out very well because one has calories. Yeah. So, um yeah, there’s so much to talk about in this movie. We way e beauty like so this movie like Okay, so they get to the lighthouse and and and quickly, it’s it’s the hierarchy is established. A foe is like, Hey, you’re the bitch. Go do the bitch things. I’m going to take the cool. I’m He’s like, I’m cool, man. Hot shit over here. And I’m going to do the cool man hot shit stuff, which is I’m a sin in the lighthouse at night. And look at the the lighthouse inside the with the with the light and ah, but then almost immediately, it’s like, Whoa, this is fucking weird because his first shift, he’s he gets drunk off his ass and he goes and sits up with the lighthouse, like in the light house naked. And I mean haggard, like, just blitzed out of his mind. One eye is almost close, and he’s sitting there just like cheers ing with the lighthouse as though it is a person that he is in love with very much right. And he’s like to ye e beauty and, uh like what the fuck is going on? Because he’s like touching himself. Kind of. Yeah, Robert Pattinson’s character climbs up the lighthouse to kind of see what’s going on. And Cem come comes down like some come drops past him is like, Whoa, yeah, come Well, there’s the 1st 1 It just looks like the first time you see the fellow up there. Um, he is naked and he is really drunk. And there’s something going on between him and the light, but you don’t know. And then later I think before, yes, before, um, the madness really starts or before, like the out before. Ah, before points starts, drinking starts drinking. Yeah, he goes up there and there’s like you can spot like a tentacle in the corner, something someone’s fucking similarly, some fast moving tentacles. And there’s like, Come or tentacle juice dripping down. And it’s like what is going on? So and again, this is before he started drinking. So is it in his mind? And this is really happening? This is what I love the most. This is my favorite move that a movie can do. It’s not like you don’t ever get to know it’s just What the fuck was that? I love it. Yeah. So the main point is, is Wenzel doesn’t drink, He wants to live by the books. And he’s like, citing the lighthouse Keeper’s Manual. And and wake is trying to get him to, you know, be a little looser and be more, you know, fun and talk to him. Yeah, I’m stuck here for a long time with you. Can you please hold up your end of this social bargain? Yeah. And it’s not until they missed the boat. Is that the last day? Um, there last night, patents and finally breaks down and takes a drink. And they get roaring drunk immediately, like they are just completely blasted. And then the next morning, when they go out and wait for the boat, the boat never comes. So from then on, though, like Winslow does not go back to sober living, he is 100% into the paint with drinking. Yeah, and there’s some there. Some Ah, Woody Woody call some symbolic imagery and some symbolic shit going on in this movie as well with seagulls and burger seabirds. Yeah, that’s don’t kill a sea bird. Yeah, I guess before that point, kind of the the main turning point of the movie. It’s a bold fucking Siegel that they have the hefty Siegel’s and 11 night Siegel, in particular kind of is really annoying and mocking Pattinson’s character and Thomas Wake Dafoe’s character makes it a big point. Two. Don’t fuck with Siegel’s, he says It’s bad luck to kill Seabird because there it’s even says in the trailer there. How’s the souls of sailors passed? And then, of course, what happens? He murders the fuck out of Siegel. He kills that thing shitless. Yeah, he really just grabbed that Siegel and rams it into the side of a rock like over and over and over and over again on. And that’s when the turning point is, that’s when the wind changes. And when they missed the boat and then all of a sudden it’s like a really deep dive into madness. And that’s when a lot of the kind of supernatural or horror elements kind of start coming in. Winslow spots a mermaid. Yeah, it kind of goes full Jumanji it. After that, it’s like it’s like just the place starts coming down around them because this storm just won’t let up, right? There’s some fucking There’s some animals coming out of the sea looking to fuck like it’s weird. You get a really good. I mean, we don’t get to see it Pattinson’s dick, but you get a really good shot of some mermaid puss. Yeah, it’s like a screen flash of like, the most vaginal thing I can think of which it was just a flash. Wasn’t like a long shot of a vagina. I can see it right now, but yeah, I can too. So they talked about how they came up with that. They based it on the shark vaginas. Apparently they tried to make a real, real vaginal home. Thio add that element of Yeah, it was a talking point of a flower, you know, it was like woo. Yeah, that’s the sound booth. They apparently historically, mermaids had split tails like on the Starbucks Cup. You know, because part of the big part of the reason for the mythology around mermaids is that you got horny semen and they want to fuck something like it would be easier if there’s, you know, setting something up there. Yeah, And then, of course, in the Victorian era, they put the tail back together where there’s no vagina. So you’re like, Well, why am I attracted to this? What? Well, I mean, I guess you know it Got handing them out Dolphins d stuff. Um, you know, uh, the horn in this is a big part of this movie. Oh, yeah. A big, huge part. Yeah. And it’s it’s almost analogue Ori of, like, situational homosexuality. Yes. Yeah. There’s a huge element of, like, just all of a sudden you’re like, are things going? But is that what’s gonna isn’t about to get his butt stinky in here? Yeah. And, ah, Like I said, it’s a joke. But really, there is an element of will. They won’t think in this movie. Yeah, absolutely. There is. And it’s understandable to you, like I mean, Okay, so ah, buddy of mine. One of our one of our patron members, Adrian was telling I was he was talking to him this week and he said, um, you know what are you reviewing its in the lighthouse? And he said, Oh, you know, So he just he just hiked a a trail, um called the Westcoast Trail and It’s in a Victoria Island, um, in British Columbia there and lots of lighthouses along the way. And ah, and lighthouses are still ah, thing you know, it’s not. It’s they’re not gone. There’s there are still people who inhabit them as well, and which is kind of crazy because everything’s got GPS. Now, why would you need a light to show you where the shortest? Well, because because not everything is a giant commercial vessel. And and, um And there is a service that the government needs to provide, too, to make sure that people are safe. And part of that is Coast Guard. On the other part is light houses. And and so these people who in hat he was telling me, these people who inhabit these lighthouses, you know, they could they go out there for seven month shifts, seven month shifts. Where there alone? Yeah, for seven months, they get, they get rat, you know, they get rations brought to them and books and stuff, but they’re essentially alone in a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean for a long time. And, uh and I think I would like, do something like that. Yeah, but I mean, if I didn’t have a family. Well, maybe because but but yeah, I mean, it’s It’s one of these things where it’s like, how How much would you say you masturbate in those seven months? Seven months worth of masturbation? Straight like a I don’t know. It’s just It’s one of those things where it’s like, Yeah, I mean, it would be on if there was another person there. Well, who knows? I mean, I mean, the rations would have to be all right. So we need, you know, three squares a day. We need probably like enough books to read one a day. And then you’d also need to, like, ship in an entire industrial barrel of lube. Yeah. And lotion and lotion. Just I mean, that salty sea air is not kind to your skin. No. Yeah. You’re going to get real chapped hands, and that’s not gonna be you’re gonna come out of there looking like a 75 year old man, and your dick’s gonna look like it’s 14. Yeah, you do, man, if you had, like, a one of those Ah, Woody column, Flashlight like the Yeah, flashlight. Like a pushy sleeve. That thing would just be sleep, just like melted. By the time you’re halfway through your stint, I need another pussy slave. Be ragged. Give me one of them. But sleeves, I’ll tell you what they need to make one of those mermaid pussy sleeves and then Okay, well, that’s a drop pussy. All right. And then, um, yeah, slow to send a madness. And then, you know, at this point, there’s not really a lot to talk about in terms of what happens. But the major spoiler is Doesn’t end up well, they both die. Um, I just wanted to touch briefly on my favorite scenes. Like, I think the best things in the movie if we haven’t talked about him already. Um, there’s a great scene where Winslow criticizes wakes lobster like it’s the breaking point. He’s like, You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you, old man. And you’re cooking sucks. And then and then Wake Dafoe’s character goes on this impressively long and elaborate ranting tirade. You know, just it felt like a Shakespearean lights. Feelings are hurt. He’s feeling to hurt. He’s like, don’t calling upon the powers of Poseidon and and don’t let me lob stirred her sing them and and like calling down the the supernatural elements of the sea to destroy Winslow for not liking this lobster on then at the end wins those like I like your lobster. All right. I like your laughter. It’s all right. That’s a fantastic scene. And I wish I could pull that for for this episode, but that’s that’s worth price of admission there. Um, the other main important scene is E from Oh, yeah, this important scene that David stepped out to pee. I turned to Kevin. Kevin has a notoriously small bladder moving like he is really like peeing all the time. I turn on said, I finally found someone that has a smaller bladder than you. That’s not fair, even remotely. I had a beer before I got there. 22 ounces, huh? And then I had 44 ounces before I before I went pee in the theater, huh? That’s 66 ounces. I mean, it’s not that you weren’t drinking anything. It’s not that I have a small bladder. It’s that I drink and you don’t. Yeah, but I feel like if you pee right before a movie, you could still hold it for two hours. 66 ounces. Yeah, but it’s not old leaking down there, though. I’ll tell you what, let’s have a contest. You and may well, go toe to toe water for water. All right. And, uh, we’ll see who lasts. All right. Anyways, David, step out at least three times from the theater. No, I stepped out to time. All right, Well, you think you know, actually, I didn’t I didn’t. I only stepped out the one time the first time I got up, walked over to the side and stood there and watched the movie. And then I was like, I can’t leave. And I sat back down. I never I never left the movie theater more than the one time when the only way from admitted well, he missed the most important thing in terms of the drama. So Hee from admits to murder. Um, back when he was a logger, he murdered a a coworker that annoyed him. And well, basically, the coworker felony did nothing to save him. And then he took on his name. So his name isn’t actually from wins. Oh, but is also Thomas Thomas, something I can’t remember and Ah, and that’s followed by one of the best lines that’s repeated over and over again. Why did you spill your beans? Why did you spill your beings? Why’d you tell me? And, ah, another great scene is is after Wake is well, actually, as weight has murdered, he’s being buried. So they fight and awake is basically like tattered. And, ah, he’s let out like a dog. See, this is weird where it’s like is this really happening? I was so surreal and weird. And so Defoe’s characters put in this pit and Pattinson is burying them and he’s like, Wake is talking to him and like having a monologue as he’s getting buried. It’s really striking and really cool scene. Um, that one will stick with me. Um, one of the most. This is like the scariest part of the film. For me, just from the visuals was really kind of frightening was when Winslow actually makes it up into the lighthouse and he looks into the light. I don’t know if you thought this was a school as I did, but I did It got super super overexposed. He was screaming, and it just looked like I mean it was could make really good creepypasta just the image of kind of burnt out black and the super like sound did it for me was it was it was like this again, like the sound was overexposed. And yes, it was like shrieking, super, super distorted. And it was what we call it’s not just over exposed. It’s like trying to think of what that setting would be. The contrast like Super super contrast. Yeah, it is what it is in black and white. So it looks really crazy. Yeah. And then Winslow um jumps out or falls out of the lighthouse, I guess onto the rocks. And the final like image of the film is Winslow on the rocks with his guts being eaten out by Bye Siegel’s Yeah, which is very, um, much a callback to the myth of Prometheus. So Prometheus is Ah, great God that gave fire to man gave fired a man against the gods wishes And then his punishment was He was lashed to a rock and his his innards were eaten by an eagle every day. Yes, that’s right. And he is immortal. He was supposed to push the rock up a hill every day. Know that, Cece Cece afis Now he was. He’s just chained to the side of a mountain, basically in a eagle, came and hate his guts neat every day, but he’d never die. So it’s not a good ending. Um, so, yeah, that’s the oh, there’s the other thing that Kevin said that I wanted to read thematically said another thing because we talked about generational stuff on the car ride home, you hike millennials versus boomers and all that stuff, he said, comes that. Actually, another thing I was gonna mention, but we moved away from it in the conversation. Forgot was when we got to the whole generation thing. The movie, the lighthouse, I thought kind of played on that theme with Wake and The Older Keeper with Wake is the older keeper of the Light and Winslow, the younger one, wanting to wrestle control away from Wake, that’s a good point and get the light for himself and all the stuff with Winslow finding Wakes log with all the criticisms reminding them of the generational lampooning that goes on. Yeah, and then there’s the obviously ah, lot of sea God mythology and stuff um it would be interesting. Something interesting to read into about what the characters were meant to represent. Ah, but yeah, the stuff around the Guardian and the younger seeker. So, uh, just the whole idea of the power interplay between the older and younger and and, Ah, yeah, that was kind of Ah, there might be some meta commentary in in this movie around Yeah, generations and how they view themselves. Yeah, you guys should Ah, if you’re not a patriot, remember, You guys should subscribe for the after pot, which is another podcast that we run for the Patriot members. And today I will be talking about a little bit about generation. Next in the author, Bret Easton Ellis in his book Less Than Zero and ah, kind of Generation X, The forgotten Jen. So So do that. Because it’s gonna be interesting, because it’s a It’s a fucking disturbing book. A super disturbing book. So if you guys want access to a whole nother podcast that we d’oh, check out our patri on me, I think it’s the $5 tear. Get you access to that check. So this this is a really great movie. Um, again not like on my top 10 or anything but super interesting of something that I’m going to think about for a long time. Um, who would you recommend to see this movie, or would you recommend people see this? Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I would, um, Look, if you appreciate, if you appreciate the craft, um or a Well, like a clearly well honed craft towards filmmaking, this is This is just You just can’t Can’t do much better than this. It would be criminal if this did not hit the award circuit given, given the award circuits love of this kind of stuff. Um, I would be very surprised if it didn’t You win a lot of awards, but but yeah, it’s gonna be a long year after years. Yeah. I mean, I also popular show I’m pretty pretty over the academy working, but all awards air kind of silly. And this will be a weird thing that both of them are lead actors. So I wonder it’ll be weird if one of them gets, um, supporting actor and one of them gets lead actor. Yeah, because they’re both like it’s so even. Yeah, um but I guess you could say Dafoe’s character is deck technically supporting actor. Yes. Um, and Befo already had got his. He got best best actor last year. Yeah, so I mean, there they deserve awards, if you care about that. Yeah, I’d also say this isn’t a movie for everyone, but it’s if you go see a you will definitely have not have seen anything like it before. Um, just as the finished product of the the visual style, the sound, the thematic material and the script writing and the acting is just just a really unique product. Yeah, and and all the commentary behind it. It’s all very interesting. It’s It reminds me of the house that Jack Belt or Suspiria in in terms of just in terms of care and craft An intent. All right, let’s move on to tag lines. Years, tagline taglines a game where we come up with alternate taglines for the movie we reviewed, um, that we think might fit better or what Not? How many do you have? I’ve got three or four. I’ve only got two. Okay, so you go first. I could probably do without one of them. Um, doing okay. I’m pretty happy with both of mine. Okay, So the lighthouse? Yeah, it’s pretty. That’s pretty. I was really wet. Yeah, well, that was the wet fart. Here’s the long one. Okay. The lighthouse. Oh, wait. The lighthouse. Ah, come on. I mean, this just must be a guy blowing arm. That doesn’t sound like for us that 1st 1 though. It’s pretty great. It was pretty wet. I definitely should have pants. 100%. The lighthouse. Oh, just kiss. Already there was one point where they almost did, too. Yeah, and then they were like, Hey, whoa, hey! Fucking got you trying to fuck it and fuck me, guy and maybe the lighthouse. 50. Fuck the lighthouse. 50 shades of beard. That was good. That’s good. The lighthouse. We’re all just one Siegel away from a very bad day. I have been moments where I’ve been, like, kill that fucking bird. Of course they’re my birds. So the lighthouse lighthouse More like fight house Shut the fuck This’ll was the best taglines ever, I think. Ok, one last one. And it doesn’t quite fit, but I still liked it. Light has more like fight the lighthouse, sir. I’m afraid you’ve gone mad with power. Of course I have. You ever tried going mad without power? It’s boring. No one listens to you. What’s that from? That’s from The Simpsons movie. Oh, okay. Um boo boo. You didn’t like the Simpsons movie? Oh, I thought it was pretty good. Ah, Spider pig got in mind. What? I’ve lost so much respect so much. You’re one of those guys. 01 of those guys were taste. Yeah, I am one of those guys. So let’s move on to our pumpkin carving contest. Yeah. So, uh, what’s the, uh So let’s make a sign for the BAP dap bap bap bap bap, bap bip Bip Bip pumpkin carving contest But But come on, get in on this bump on Papa Papa von Pumpkin Carving contest announcing the winners of a pumpkin car bank on. Ah, that’s the extent to which I’m marrying Thio. I You gotta commit David. All right, so if you didn’t know and some of you might not know we had a pumpkin carving contest and we’re giving away to the winner a set of hocus pocus funk Oh, pop dolls. Yeah. All three of the ladies from hocus pocus re re created for your viewing pleasure as fun co pop dolls, little bobblehead dolls. And then that’s the first prize. Second prize is we’re gifting the the track or the music of focus Hocus pocus by focus, focus pocus by focus, which, if you’ve never heard it. I mean, just go to YouTube right now and look that up. That’s delightful. Um, third prize, You get nothing. You don’t get any. So we’ve got, um we’ve been talking about it for about a month now. Probably not quite. Not quite a month, A couple, couple weeks, weeks tweeted about it. We’ve gotten a tweet. That was retweeted a lot. Yeah. How did you do that? That’s pretty good. I don’t know. I just just caught on fire. Just caught on fire. We’ve had actually more popular tweets than that one. Like a sense of how she can really take off pretty easily on Twitter. Yeah, it was our first experiment with a contest, and I don’t know what we’re doing wrong or like what the what the, uh I think that’s practices or more. Probably more time. Really? Yeah, I think we should We should have had at least one or two more weeks on there considering, you know, we we We’ve really only been talking about it for two or three weeks. Yeah, 10 10 entries is pretty good. Yeah. So we got nine entries and interest, and we can We can look at them all now and kind of comment it. We can tell you what they what they are. And then we’ll decide on air and of the wars. And, of course, if you want to check out the entries, they will be available on our Facebook and Twitter. And also, I’ll put all the pictures on the post for this episode as well. Can we put him on Instagram too? Maybe, uh, maybe cool, because our instagram it’s pretty dead. So what’s open? Take a look at some of these pumpkins, Punkin. Okay, well, so let’s leave big. And for the for the end. My body begging. Um, Okay, I got an entry from Steven R. Okay, let’s take a look at Stevens punk in here on this one. This one’s pretty good. This is as far as a straight ahead Jack o lantern. Pretty menacing grin, spiky teeth. Spooky eyes. Yeah, that was the eyes. Do a thing on this one where it’s like, kind of double its. I can’t tell if it’s the way that it’s not the way the pictures taken. It’s intentional that it’s like, super transposed thing. See how there’s like, two eye flutters at the tips of the Yeah, yeah, I mean, that’s carved. And then he’s got, like, kind of eyebrows carved into it and send it out. It’s pretty cool. Look, that is a really good entry. As far as like, a straight ahead Jacqueline. And I think that’s like a front runner. Yeah, for the Jack o lantern types, we’ve got Xavier de, which is a pretty awesome name. Or Xavier. If your friends Sure, um or X e x x avere We veer from the south, we have sufficiently destroyed your name. This one’s another Jack o’lantern Also very spooky. Yeah, I’d say on par with Stevens on forest, even like it’s ah. But he chose to light it with an l e d light. Did you just fart? What was that fart sound that you made? It was probably just from my throat. Yeah, I like. I like Xavier’s. It’s ah, it’s a meat and potatoes Jack o lantern like a pretty pretty strong on the needle teeth And another one from Magnus. We’ve talked about magnets before. He’s a good boy. Delight. See, Now, Magnus kind of went above and beyond here with the background. Yeah. Chose to say true amazing artist among the autumn leaves. So he’s got another jack o lantern. It’s kind of got a stitched mouth. Crazy kind of the nightmare before Christmas. Yeah. Eyes on it. Yeah, it kind of It’s kind of Jack, Jack O lantern or whatever is young is from this is this is really good. Um, I’m gonna the way all the way from sweetie. I’m gonna be honest. I’m kind of glad that Magnus isn’t the best one, because I didn’t really want to mail it to Sweet who? That would have been a spicy meatball. You know what I would have done as I would have just transferred funds for him to buy his own funk? Oh, pop. Like that way can’t. Magnus is great. He’s a super fan. He just threw a Halloween party and printed out a bunch of horror movie time. Yes, I’m I’m glad you brought this up. If you guys want to see pictures of Magnus is, um of Magnus is ah, Halloween party that he threw all the way over across the pond in Sweden. He threw a Halloween party at a like a bar or a club. That’s like it looks like it’s it looks like it’s underground, like in, like, you know, Europe. And, uh, it was attended by, like, 80 some odd people. Yeah, and it was a badass like themed zombie outbreak party. It was really cool. It was bad. So that’s so Pictures for that are on our last post, so that would be zombie land. Fittingly, Zombieland double taps. So check out his his party in zombie land. Double tap. Yeah, he’s a He’s a cool dude way, haven’t we? Haven’t checked. If we had a spike in Swedish listeners, we have It’s not. It’s not tremendous, but I mean I mean, I’m sure it’s Magnus driven. Yeah, thank you so much to listeners that recommend the podcast to friends, especially like this is a great time to do it. If you’re if you’re a little like shy about your fanaticism about horror movies, you don’t want to be that guy. Um, you know, people are watching horror movies around now, this is gonna be released on the 30th. So, I mean, you could share. Yeah. There’s a contact. Your friend? Yeah. There’s contact. Oh, now we’re getting into one of the one of the Oh, we’re not. Okay. Well, let’s skip over. Let’s go into the We’ll save the top three. And bottom one. Let’s check out Caitlin A’s. Caitlin, eh? Um, Caitlin and Garrett send in their jackal lanterns again. This is like a very straight ahead jackal entrance. Both of these. Yes, but they both have a little bit of attention to detail in the three d space. Like they Yeah, they think about the curvature of the pumpkin and kind of factor that into the whole thing, Which I appreciate. And I like Caitlin’s has, like, the mini pumpkin inside the maw of her Jack Atlanta tonight. I couldn’t I couldn’t see that. Hey, that’s pretty good. I like whenever they involved. Like, um extra, like little pumpkins, their stuff coming out of the mouth. So they’re a married couple. Is that other one next to her’s? Is that Garretts? Yeah. Okay. Okay. So, um oh, it’s not a pumpkin. It’s a Lauren. It’s a little orange with a sad face. Okay, so and then Garrett’s is similar. Similar standard. Um, what do you call it, Jack o lantern style. Um, you know, it’s menacing. It’s I think I like Caitlin’s more. Sorry if I’m assuming that the one with the orange is Caitlin’s. Okay, so now we’re getting into our top three thes air. The actual contenders like No offense the ones that we’ve talked about there they are great. No, none of them are embarrassing. I can’t wait until we talk about Big and sunk in just F y. I, like David has assured me that Begins is his game to be, like, made light of or like, you’ll never find a more amicable kind, like just jovial person than Brad, which I’m very glad because we’re just going to rip your apartment come from that bread. Uh, but let’s get into the top of the top three. Okay? Tina D. Submitted a great pumpkin, so it’s got the word creepy on it, and it’s dripping. It’s very like our, um, our logo. Almost. Actually, no. I think I know the font that she’s using. I think That’s a Google fund. This I might be wrong. This this. Okay, so Tina’s is such an expert skill level on carving. I can’t the Yeah, this is not like, um, there’s some some pumpkin carvings that air like they do kind of the shading effect by carving progressively deeper into it. This is a straight ahead all the way through the pumpkin, but it’s super skilled in that because it’s the lining is like she’s got that slightest little slivers of lines between the the the letters. Creepy. I cannot believe how how finally, detailed this thing is caught for straight carving. And then it’s got an eye above the word creepy with a little that that plays with, like, the negative space. The pupil is like a little bad guy, and he’s got a little hand. That’s part of the the eyelash. Yeah, it’s really good. I mean, the the font on is amazing. The drip effect is really cool. I mean, this is this is ah, definitely a front runner. Um, then we have Jared. Jared, um, it’s got Ah, let’s say Jared be okay. Um okay, this one I mean, this is to me, It’s it’s on another level, this is pretty impressive. So he’s got this. It’s almost unfair. E I mean, he’s got, like, the heck are those hexagons? I’m not beyond 123456 six sided. Ah, the thing is, what would that be? I don’t know. It’s not a Those are what bees make, right? Sure, honey, come, Ho would be a so hexes five. Okay, so cept her nose except a seven. We’re really again. We talk about formal, right, well researched on this on this pocket. Anyways, it’s got this geometric pattern and then the center it’s like and this is one of those pumpkins that that uses the depth of the pumpkin toe Let the light shine through. He never There’s a few spots where it’s just accented and actually carved all the way through. But most of most of this pumpkin is just is just surfaced carving yet in the center is an eye scooper detailed the I like very, very much like the black Christmas. I yeah, the crazy I you see through people and I want to point out this is fucking ridiculous. He carved it so this looks like it’s shaded like he took out that particular shape, and it’s hovering over it. Yeah. Can you appreciate how ridiculously riel that looks like? I mean, we went to extensive like we’ve we Okay. So, to to kind of help you guys understand how impressive this thing. First of all, you got to go check it out on on the post or on our on our social media, But we were pretty sure like that. This was that. This was stolen from something. Yeah, this feels like it is not if there is a contender for, you know, highly suspicious entry. It would be. This one did a reverse image. Church didn’t didn’t come up a lot of research. Did did research around the other info on it, the email that submitted it. And the only thing I can find is the reddit user that submitted this tow our art pretty much the same day that he submitted. It s so so. First of all, beautiful pumpkin. Second of all, I mean, it’s ah, just the whole concept is a concept to execution. Pull. Think. Very impressive, Jenna. What is our What’s our last entry? Um, besides brats. So Jessica got in right under the wire. Um, another patron that we love. Early Patron. This is one of the first. Yeah, she’s a starter of the 66 60 year. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, she submitted another great entry. This is another like three D one where it’s it’s really like a sculpture. It’s a scar. Fisher. Yeah. This is I am so envious of artistic people and like being able to being able to see something and within something normal, something cool within something normal and then, like, flesh it out like this is it’s like a It’s like she turned a pumpkin into a goblin face. Yeah, and it’s kind of nose and and crazy, crazy, like facial features like wrinkles. And yeah, it’s pupils and shit. Yeah, it’s great. And got got three D teeth and stuff. I mean, it’s really impressed, So I mean, the front runners are these last three. We got Jessica. We got Jared and Tina like it’s I mean, this city close, Bryce. I’m gonna I’m gonna say I think we’re both thinking. Um okay, here’s what I’m gonna say. Can we do a split on second place? Because Yeah, because I can’t. They’re both They’re both impressive and they both deserve hocus pocus by folks. This is what I’m saying. I mean, this is what I’m saying. Let’s let’s be honest. I can’t. They’re they’re impressive in their own right. For Or maybe we can when you can split hocus pocus by focus between them so half And after half of the year half of the year, Jessica can have focus, focus, focus On the other half of the year team they can have hocus pocus by foot will be silly brakes on taxi radio contact the the recording licensure. And we’ll just work out the logistics of splitting. That’s about that silly. What you do is instead, you just take the song, put it into an audio, enter and cut it in half. One gets the front first part and the other gets the second half. Okay, Okay. That makes sense. Right? Right. Right. So I must say, a two way tie between, um, between Jessica and Tina. Tina and that ends First place goes to Jared. Jared be just ridiculously good, Like Wow, Jerry. I mean, I’m still gonna have to email this guy and be like, Can we get some You legit. Can we get some applause for all of our entries? Except for Brad’s? Let’s get a round of applause from our studio audience. Thank you, Studio. You know, you guys were really usually very, very kind and well behaved respectful that, you know, you know, this is a controlled recording. Time to let it. This is it. Let us hear your appreciation for Jared. Thank you. That’s that’s that’s good. And indeed for all of our injured. Thank you. Everyone who participated in this, we sure do appreciate it, man. You give a mouse a cookie. Okay. All right. Please way. Keep it down. Way got the rest of the way. Mute the house mikes, please. We’ll make the house, Mike. All right, so congratulations, Jared. And Tina and Jessica will hear him in the back right now. They’re just They’re animals. We’ve improved. Well, that’s what you get when you have a rabid fan base. Um, now, let’s talk about Brad’s. I spent, like, five minutes trying to figure out what the fuck this was because I gave up, elected the description. Okay, Like so there’s two pumpkins in this picture and points out he’s like guys, mine is the shitty doesn’t say shitty. Mine is the one on the left. I was like, What is that? A pig? Cyclops? So it’s like, All right, so it’s got It’s like a circle and that has got, like, Globular, my son is normal and then it has It looks like a snout. It looks like a pig snout and some like Is that like a angry birds pig? Or like a very particular type of angered birds? Pig? Because it’s got the circle on the top that looks kind of like an eye, but it’s Thea negative space, but it’s hanging down the thing. It’s clear that he had high aspirations and 060 scale to execute a and then the side. There’s like the circles, too, but they could be arms. Yeah, I don’t know. It was It’s unclear. It looks almost like a like a Tetris game or something like that. Yeah, like are like are worded Tetris game. So here’s Here’s what he said in the comments, and we’ll have to do a side by side. We’ll have to pull a picture of this just so you can see it. You know, one against this the other. He said, Ah, mine is on the left and then in parentheses. Mario Mario Mushroom. Okay. And Kates, My wife is on the right. So he’s got now. Kate, yours is fine. I it is. It is a just a normal pumpkin entry, but Brad’s is uniquely retarded. Hand. God help you, big guy. I love you to death. But this man, you should give up on pump even if even if you have kids, they should hurt or, you know, Just don’t be so ambitious. Like, just start practicing. You don’t just do some triangle eyes and, like, just a smile. We’re gonna You know, my dad grows a tremendous amount of pumpkins everywhere, like just just off the charts. So, Brad, you’re perfectly welcome to come up here to Clark County, grab some Ah, grab some pumpkins and just practice away because you need it, buddy. So Brad was the very first entry in the pumpkin carving contest, and he was the only entry for, like, a week. And then we were sitting there like, Oh, God, if it’s only Brad Hawk and it’s just this is just gonna be a massacre. Brad wins the hocus pocus by focus with Erna and and the hocus focus girls. So anyways, thank you so much for for sharing and entering into the pumpkin carving contest. IOU beers buddy for for breaking over the girl beyond black Grand pumpkin car over and over. Uh, he’s a good guy. We’ve been assured that he’s he’s a good guy. He is. Yeah. Yeah, And if he’s not God help you because he’s the biggest motherfucker you’ve ever seen in your life. Yeah, he could probably kick my ass, but, um, it can’t cover pumpkin out out of, ah, wet paper bag. Maybe that was the problem. He’s like Andre, the giant level huge. You just startinto carve and then punched a hole throat with us. Yeah, you know, it’s like he’s holding it between his his ah, his index finger nous thumb. And he’s got this teeny, tiny little life that’s basically like playing with a doll set. And he’s just trying his hardest to be intricate. But he can’t because he’s so big and his face is so far away from his hands. It’s like I can’t see. Sorry, bread. Thanks for rendering. Thanks, everyone. And congratulations. Jessica, Tina and our first place winner, Jeer and Jared. You’ll be getting your brother. Oh, man, we really capitals in the me. Oh, yeah, we really appreciate everybody’s entry. So with that, with that, so we have That’s the end of our episode. Please. Again, check out our website at horror movie talk dot com. Please, please, please, please share the podcast with a friend. It’s the only way that we grow We don’t advertise And we’ve depended on listeners to steadily grow us, which is the worst so far. The good news is it’s worked so far, and we’re kind of reaching in the inflection point where we’re seeing like, yes, we’re getting a better trajectory on increased downloads. Um, check out our calls to action on a Web site. We’ve got the Amazon Associates button. If you’re planning on buying anything from Amazon the coming week, just click through the button and we’ll get a little taste of whatever you spend. And then, of course, our patron that we’ve patri on that. We’ve mentioned special thanks to all our pumpkin carving contest entries and special thanks, especially a special special specially to Dustin are ah, our ah post artist. Our resident artist who provides us with beautiful artwork and who does commissions if you if you have. Ah, you know, if you have art desires, he can He can fucking get you some art. Yeah, to be to be honest, we do not deserve Dustin. No, Um, so please support him and ah, use him on your projects and at D global d ah g o e b e l 00 on instagram. Yeah, um, and special thanks to all our patrons and yeah, do check out our do check out our latest blogged by Keith on the his top 10 favorite zombie types. It is a as as you’ve come to expect from Keith. It is a compendium, so check it out. It’s on. Ah, it’s on our website under the blog’s section. And with that, that is another episode of horror movie talk ended and we love you. What should we check out next week? Oh, yes. Oh, the coming weeks trying. We are doing the shining and I think that we can get my wife on the pod for that one. She has expressed interest in watching the Shining because she is interested in seeing Dr sleep, which will be not next week, but the week after. So check out the Shining. I don’t know where that’s available right now. Yeah, I mean, I might have problems dollars for it Now, I think I think it might actually be available on Netflix. Yeah, I would be. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s free somewhere because Dr Sleep is coming out. I think it is on Netflix, so yeah, that’ll be exciting to talk about because I actually read, um, while the listen to the audio book, my wife would take issue with me saying I read it, but I listen to the audio book of both The Shining and Dr Sleep. I’m the last couple months and, uh, i’ll be able to talk about, you know, maybe a little bit more informed than I normally do, But not with good grammar. That’s all thinking about by Yeah, Roar
[…] The visuals were well thought out, slow and meticulous. This movie had some very cool panning shots, which I mentioned in our last episode which covered, The Lighthouse. […]