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Halloween II (1981) Review

Halloween 2 (1981)

Halloween 2018 would have you believe that Halloween 2 never happened. But it did happen! We watched it. And we’re going to talk about it god damn it! 

Halloween II Poster

Halloween 2 can be found on HBO Now/Go right now, but is also available to rent on Amazon or anywhere else that you do that type of thing. Here is the trailer:

Halloween 2 (1981) Synopsis

Halloween 2 picks up right where Halloween left off. Michael Myers disappears from the lawn after being shot by Dr. Loomis 6 times. Why do I remember it was six times you ask? Because Dr. Loomis reminds us every time he is on screen. Michael Myers continues killing the youth of Haddonfield in a deadly game of peekaboo with the audience. Now you see him, now you don’t. Wee! 

Review of Halloween II

This film tries to recapture the moody and dread filled allure of the first Halloween, but doesn’t ever really deliver. Most of the interesting parts of the original were leading up to the killing spree at night when the shape is stalking Laurie and her friends. In this movie, it’s just the third act of the first film the whole time. Efforts are made to tack on a story and motivation to fill out the slasher. Dr. Loomis babbles about the philosophical and historical nature of Michael’s evil, and there’s also a shocking revelation akin to Empire Strikes Back! Other than that, character development and plot is pretty thin in this movie. The only character we really care about is Laurie in this film, and she does nothing for most of it. However, if you enjoy kills, this film delivers them at the slow and steady pace of Michael Myers.

Score of Halloween 2 (1981)


While not a resounding endorsement, it’s more of a confirmation that this is an archetypal slasher.

Halloween II (1981)

Watch the full movie of Halloween 2

Halloween II (1981) Spoilers

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As previously mentioned, Dr. Loomis is really here just to spout off about how many times he shot Michael Myers and wax philisophical about the nature of Michael’s evil.

Did I mention the time I shot Michael Myers six times?

A lot of his dialogue expanding the lore of the Halloween franchise. When the word Samhain is scrawled on the blackboard in blood, Dr. Loomis explains the significance.

Later on in the car with his colleague, he explains the festival of Samhain as a druid ritual involving human sacrifice. Mentions of witches and ghouls might be there to set up the expanded halloween universe we would only get to see in Halloween 3: Season of the Witch.

The opening titles

One of the coolest parts in the movie is the opening credits, the jack-o-lantern opening up into a skull will probably haunt my nightmares.


The first part of the movie subverts expectations quite a bit. The first opportunity that Michael Myers has to kill someone is an elderly couple, but he ends up walking away with their knife and murders a teenage girl instead.

Also early on, there is a fake out death of “Michael Myers” that later is found out to be just some random kid.

Of course we killed the killer in the first 20 mins…

The Hospital

The bulk of Halloween 2 (1981) takes place in a hospital. From the looks of it, an abandoned hospital. However, this doesn’t keep the skeleton crew of seven of so doctors and nurses from being there.

I mispoke. Doctor. There was one doctor in the entire hospital. A drunk doctor.

How many reasons do you need to move away from Haddonfield?

Deaths in Halloween II (1981)

As with any slasher, there are several interesting deaths:

  • Death by claw hammer
  • Death by boiling someones head
  • Death by scalpel
  • Death by needle in the eye
  • Good old fashioned knife-stabbing
  • Being Blowed up


The pacing of the Halloween movies feel really slow compared to modern horror movies, but it does a good job of keeping your attention. This is done mostly from the novelty of the kills, and certainly not from character development.

Laurie Strode is Michael’s Sister

Laurie is in this movie, but only is in scenes for about 20 minutes of the run time.

Her main purpose, other than continuity, is to lend her character to the films most shocking spoiler: Laurie Strode is Michael Myers’ sister.

Yeah. Meh.

This came a year after Empire Strikes Back, so the cynical part of me says that they were just ripping off the idea. But the idea was easily retconned in later films. In fact the 2018 Halloween completely disregards this film.

The Ending of Halloween II

There is a final standoff between Michael, Laurie, and Dr. Loomis. Laurie ends up blinding Michael by shooting him in the eyes. This results in the iconic image of blood tears coming down Michael’s mask.

In the end, Michael gets blown up by a kamikaze attack by Dr. Loomis.

We see Michael burning to a crisp laying motionless on the floor for several minutes. The film goes to great lengths to communicate finality. However, nothing resurrects villains better than earning potential. Michael Myers and even Dr. Loomis star in many of the later Halloween films.

Final Recommendations

As previously stated, if you are a fan of slashers, this is a must see. It is an archetype of a classic slasher. Thin on story, but thick on kills. It’s an excellent follow up to the original Halloween.

Transcript for Horror Movie Talk Episode 65: Halloween 2 (1981) Review

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Goto multi mental mortgage dot com slash hmt Equal housing lender Licensed in all 50 states. A. M M. L s Consumer access orig number 69 69 Hello and welcome to horror movie talk and opinionated and accidentally funny Horror Movie review. Show your panel of expert hosts each week are Dr Bryce Hansen, who holds a phD in spook ology, and Professor David Day, the foremost expert in Scare No nose. New theatrical releases always get priority, but we also review older horror movies both good and whole. Horrible. Uh, whoa ho is like a do cadi or something. What were you just now? And I’m David Day Welcome. Welcome to our little show. Check us out at our website horror movie talk dot com. There you’ll find links dollar, social Media and past episodes and our blog’s on or movie topics. We’ll talk about our latest blog’s coming up, You should know, and we want you to know that we post every Wednesday So please subscribe And, more importantly, leave a rating if you like us. If you don’t like us, leave a rating like you like us. Anyways. We’re trying to get to 200 ratings by the two year point of the podcast, and we’re coming up on month 15 something, something like that. So we got a ways to go. Um, also, if your ah wanting to add a little more positivity into your life, check out the positive a cast by David Day, a daily short podcast. 3 to 5 minutes of little nuggets of positivity that you condemn posit in your brain. Right now, I’ve been focusing on my Siri’s, continuing the series where I just look around the room and try and find things within the room to spin positively. I was talking to an old friend and he said It’s like listening to use describing it to his wife. And he said, It’s like listening to what? Adam? What can’t Adam complain about? But in reverse? What? What can’t David talk nicely about, huh? All right, so anyway, let’s get onto the show. We got a great show today. We’re gonna thio today to kick fuck out in. Trust me. We’ve got a great show. Great. Fucking fuck. It was really It’s a really good show. Once we edit it today to kick off, October will be talking about Halloween. Two more like Halloween. Boo. Thesis is the 1982 Halloween to not to be confused with the Rob Zombie 2009 Halloween, too. Yeah, I believe so. So every episode we start out by giving a brief review and our score for the movie. We score on a scale of 1 to 10 1 being a miserable dredge where it makes you angry. Five being a completely average film that hits all the expected marks and 10 being so good that it transcends genre boundaries after we give our score will get into spoilers and take a deeper dive into what we liked and hated about the film. And then later we’re gonna play a game called Attack of the Rotten Tomatoes game. Oh, Lila. And this is a themed one. It’s going to be Halloween versus Nightmare on Elm Street. Oh, we’re gonna pit the two franchises franchises together and you have to pick which one scored higher on run tomatoes. Yeah, Okay, that’s cool. I I actually that’s that’s it. Use that nightmare on Elm Street. I I just got done a now hour ago. I just got done watching. Ah, nightmare on Elm Street. Three Dream Warrior An hour ago Way started watching it last night, and then we fell asleep. So Okay, picked it back up in the morning. You say you got up like five in the morning. That’s right watching We’re committed to horror movies here. Horror movie talk. That’s right. Just 24 7 were watching horror movies. Even though we only review one a week, It’s It is October. We? It’s time to start watching horror movies 24 hours a day. I don’t know. A few people know this, but that’s what we do in October. All right, well, let’s get into the movie. Halloween 2008 would have you believe that Halloween to never happen. But it did happen. We watched it and we’re gonna talk about it. God damn it. Yeah, Here is the trailer. I shot him six times. I am not Universal Pictures. Presents Halloween. Two more of the night he came home way. There was nothing within him, neither conscious. No reason that wasn’t even remotely human. Some kind of a joke. I’ve been figured treated a depth tonight way. Tell Mr Garrett we’re having trouble with. There is no place to hide. He will always find you. It’s a Celtic word Remains the Lord of the Dead Weight. We’re still here. We’ll be with you. Wait. Two more of the night e came home. What? Halloween. To Maura of that type of thing. Okay. A trailer was rid Ebru. Ridiculous. It was absolutely absurd. And the audio, I mean, yeah, it’s probably a lot more effective actually. Watching it, I would assume there’s just a lot of shots going off. Well, Pau, Pau, Pau, Pau Pau will provide the the link to the YouTube. Speaking of the of the trailer on the post in the episode notes. Speaking of shots going off, I gotta warn you, Bryce, I’m awfully gassy this morning, and it is it is a totally different brand. Last night, my wife was remarked is saying, I’ve never smelled that out of you before. I hate it. So we’re just gonna play a game? Yeah. I mean, we were We were talking about this yesterday on steam. Check on in Really steamed check. Real steaming hot steam chat. Uh, yeah, both me and David are experiencing a weird digestive moment. I won’t go too far into it, but just to let you know, it’s it’s no wonder we don’t wantto time offend the delicate sensibilities of of our audience. But we have some very beautiful female listeners. Yeah, that I just don’t want to upset, but we’ve been taking some hot shits. I like really hot. Like like shitting stomach acid burn. Okay, let’s just let’s just dial it back. And so telling David how it felt like my anise was being digested. All right, thank you very much. This disturbed David. It’s not That disturbs me. It’s just that I don’t I’m just not interested. Just does not want a picture. My acid swollen. Yeah, well, there it is for everyone. We you know, I don’t complimenting our listeners and how beautiful some of the some of the ladies are. I’m sure we got beautiful Mente love this shit. I’m sure we got a really beautiful men to, uh, wait, Magnus, That’s that’s for damn sure. Where was he from? Sweden. Yeah, Swedish god of a man. And for some reason, he likes the show. I don’t know what we did. I think we should We should do everything in our power to make Magnus a, uh, an Internet celebrity. Uh, I don’t think it’ll be that hard. It’s not that much of a stretch, you know, it’s just some guy in Sweden. Pretty much anyone in Sweden could probably become an Internet celebrity if they hosted some videos and deal with this place. Why is everyone so beautiful? I don’t know. Howling too. I mean, I got a bunch of Norwegian blood and I look like this, So Yeah, something about I am cold, I guess. All right. Halloween to ah, hello into Could be found on HBO now slash Go. Right now. HBO Now. Now, um, which is unfortunate because I just canceled my subscription last week. I did notice that. And, uh, so we had to rent it. And it’s on never Where else? Where you do that type of thing? Yeah, it’s just not on Amazon, but it is on YouTube. No, it’s on Amazon to rent. I don’t I don’t think it is because Amazon We watched it. Really? It refers me it z It basically tells me, Hey, you got a go ahead and subscribe to HBO. Go. If you want to watch this movie is what it says. There’s a couple options you could subscribe to HBO go or rent it or buy it. That’s weird that it doesn’t even offer me the option. Amazon is weird because it’ll have duplicate listing right of the same movie, weirdly inconsistent, and sometimes it’s free. And then you can find another version that’s not free is really annoying. So, uh, going to picks up right? Where? Halloween. The 1st 1 left off. Um, like, literally minutes after the first of the three movies called Halloween, Right. This is the sequel of Alan. Um, Michael Myers disappears from the lawn after being shot by Dr Loomis six times. Why do I remember it with six times? You ask? Because Dr Loomis remind you every time he’s on screen that he shot him six times in the chest. Michael Myers continues killing the youth of Haddonfield in a deadly game of peek a boo with the audience. Now you see him now you, don’t. We? This film tries to recapture the moody and dread filled a Lear of the first Halloween, but doesn’t really deliver Doesn’t ever really deliver. I don’t think All right. So gassy. Jesus. Get me a real rough. Don’t wave it toward. You’re gonna don’t wait. If you’re me like loud descriptions of your butt, I’m gonna wave Wow! God! Oh, bad Describe it, isn’t it? Isn’t it unique? I’m stopping breathing, man immediately. Isn’t it unique? It’s gonna sweet describe it for the pod and taste it for the pod. Do it. Well, it smells like shit. So there’s that. Okay, um, but most of the interesting parts of the original were leading up to the killing spree at night when the shape is stalking Lori and her friends in this movie, it’s just the third act of the first film. The whole time efforts were made to tack on a story and motivation to fill out the slasher. Dr. Loomis babbles about philosophical and has about the philosophical and historical nature of Michael’s evil. And there’s also a shocking revelation akin to Empire Strikes Back that will get into in the spoilers. I’m sure other than that character development and plot is pretty thin in this movie. The only character we really care about is Laurie, and she does nothing for most of it. She’s only in, like, 25 minutes of it. Really? Yeah, yeah, I guess. I guess that seems about right. We could do get a lot of those ah e m t guys and their girlfriends, their nurses, a nurse, lots of disposable hospital staff, and, uh, Anyways, however, if you enjoy kills, this film delivers them at the slow and steady pace of Michael Myers. Yeah, this movie, man, Um, really know what to think about it? I I have remarked several times at this point. Now, just just remember, everybody’s different. Everybody likes different things, So just hold on to your butts. I just don’t I just don’t get Halloween. I just don’t get it. Like I get Friday the 13th. I get a nightmare on Elm Street. I really get child’s play, but I just I just don’t get Halloween. I don’t get what the allure of Michael Myers is. I get. I get Halloween one. I don’t get the rest of Yeah, sure, right? Yeah, that’s yes. Michael Myers is like a blank slate of Ah, villain. I mean, I guess so is Jason. I mean, I don’t even get Friday the 13th that much So So with So with Jason, he was made fun of, and then he was killed at camp, you know, and so he’s got a revenge thing going, So he’s dead. He’s huge. He’s got OK. He’s got the awesome looking hockey mess, which is kind of just bad at you know, it reaches for the bad ass. Sorry. You know, I got a big machete. You got a hockey mask. There’s just a bad ass component to that Mike Myers. He got a little steak knife and he’s got, ah, Captain Kirk mask on. And yeah, he’s very stoic, but he has. No, he has, as far as I can tell, his only motivation. And this is what a lot of people love about him is that he’s just a murderous psychopath like That’s it. There’s nothing more. But that’s so boring to me. And Freddy is so cool. I mean, you just can’t be Freddie for cool, you know, in terms of in terms of shit that happens in in the movie, like so many things are possible when when your medium is dreams. Yeah, I mean, Michael Myers is It’s a different thing. It’s more of like a concept. It’s kind of like it where it’s Penny wise is the the personification of beer. Yeah, Michael Myers is kind of the personification of just pure evil and red. Yeah, just inevitable death. But by simplifying it to that extent, it loses it for me. But so that’s just my opinion. I mean, that’s like, I think that’s the allure of Mike Michael Myers is that and it does it better in the first film of showing that it’s like this faceless being in. Yeah, it does not betray any motivation at all. It’s just he’s there, you know he’s gonna do something. What’s doing there? What was he doing there? What’s he doing behind those sheets is standing. My, he’s There was a lot of shrubbery play in the 1st 1 is a lot of him standing behind next to behind around trouble. Yeah, Like I said, it’s It’s a deadly game of peekaboo, deadly deadly game anyways. Ah, my score for this film. I thought it was perfectly average. I did not particularly like it. I didn’t particularly hate it. I watched it. I get it. It’s Ah, five out of 55 out of 10 for me. Sorry. Yeah. Um, yeah, I’m gonna I Yeah, I mean, I think I give it maybe a six because it was somewhat more entertaining than ah, lot of the films I’ve raided a five. Um, there was some nice boob ege. Very nice, and not that that puts it over one whole point. I’m just saying I’m just saying it does kind. I’m just going down the list here. But I mean it in that it was literally the third act of the first movie the whole way through. It did a admirable job of doing exactly that, right? It was the third act for an hour and 1\/2 right? It’s interesting. What? How? They tried. Thio tried to expand it. Yeah, Yeah, it it felt a little stretched, but yeah, but so, yeah, if I have finally attend for me, uh, if you could just bring your energy down. Looks like one Scotia way. We’re talking about a nightmare on film Street and and how successful they are, which is another podcast. Let me Don’t listen to them. No, don’t. I know you can listen to both. There’s room enough for us in them. Yeah, I think I think anyone listen to this has probably come across Nightmare on Film Street. But again, as I’ve talked about before, the one thing that we don’t have that other really successful horror movie review podcasts have is that while number one they have a woman, they have the female perspective. But, um, the two most successful ones to me are dead meat and nightmare on Film Street, which both feature very young, very, very good looking like core scene looking couples that are very high energy and and work well on YouTube. And ah, we’re not that. And I’m not I wouldn’t describe Mia’s high energy. Well, I mean, but here’s the thing, though, is, um I mean, you’re right, especially especially when it’s something like this, where I just like, yeah, I don’t care that much. Like I think other you know, entertainers, people trying to entertain people with the podcast or probably injecting a lot of energy and excitement about the film throughout. Yeah, just finding the sunny side of watching this film. Yeah, but I feel like I don’t know. Ah, a lot of my energy. And this is why I had to start the positive. A cask Segway. Ah, lot of my energy I get from being angry, you know, right and and I’m good at it. I’m like there’s no one better at being angry or spiteful than May. And so when a movie wastes my time, I feel like you do make up that energy. The worst thing that you can be if you’re looking for a lot of energy out of me is average right, Which this film is. It’s just super average. And you’re not gonna get much. They’re just not fucking anything. Really? Okay, Cool. Yeah, like whatever. I mean, you if you just say it’s a slasher, like you understand the whole the entirety of this movie. Yeah, This movie is ah, high quality, early version of the very trimmed up, well put together slasher. This is you know, this is this is a blockbuster slasher movie, and it’s one of very first ones. Yeah. Um okay, well, let’s Ah, talk briefly about how you guys can help out horror movie talk and probably help out yourself. First of all, let’s talk about her. Patri on. I’m just going to say that we have new tears coming soon because I think that it might be changed by this episode. Release problem like on the cusp of releasing some new tears. So we might be talking about that next episode, but check it out on patri on, you’ll get access to exclusive content and ah, little perks for our patrons and we love you. And thank you for becoming a patron to those that are are a horror movie top founding members, members member, all nine of them. Plus 1 10 Yeah, uh, one of them’s not. Yeah, now founding member. He’s just being generous and dropping. Dropping a little. What was that? That at your phone was that unfriended Dark Web? All right, this is going to want also. If you want to support the podcast, go to our website horror movie talk dot com. There’s a button in the banner for Amazon. If you’re gonna buy anything an Amazon, click through on that button and then we’ll get a little slice of whatever you pay for on Amazon. Talking about horror movie talk dot com We have some recent blobs that you can check out. We’ve got a new writer that’s churning out Cem Cem good content. We gotta block on Scary Doll and Puppet Horror movies and also a blogger on funny horror movies. So check that out and share that on your social media. So you get the word out of that horror movie talk. Yeah, thank you to Kimmy, who wrote those and check her out at at the Horror Lounge. Also, if you’d like to support the show. We got shudder you had. So it is the Halloween season. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but October’s Halloween month it’s not just the last day. Oh, yeah, that’s right. It’s Halloween month. And so what we do on Halloween month, we just stream horror movies. And what’s the best way to do that? Head on over to shutter, that’s S H U D g e r dot com And check out all of the amazing streaming, the huge list of streaming shit that they have all about surrounding horror. And, ah, and to give you some of that list. Here we go. Bryce is holding his nose because he doesn’t like the smell of my farts. So we got creep Show, which is a show, a new original show based on the George Romero movie creep show. It’s a shutter original Siri’s. We also have Korean horror movie The Wailing We Got VHS to the Changeling, which I believe you viewed and said it was me. We got terrified, which is one of my very favorite recent terror fists, and we have an episode on that. If you check out our past episodes, yes, we? D’oh! Also, we got the original Halloween is available on Shuter Hollowing for the return of Mike Myers have going five The Revenge of Mike Myers Re animator Hell Raiser We got a ton of queer horror titles If that’s your jam we got Texas Chainsaw Massacre Demons by our addario are Gento demons to black Christmas Shutter Exclusive Phantasm remastered That’s the original Phantasm remastered. And then we got Henry Portrait of a Serial killer which we didn’t episode on and have not released yet Knighted Living dead Couso which is amazing fart movie traders The new binge puppetmaster little list, right, Mandy Summer of 84 It’s all on shutter, so enter HMT it check out and you can get the whole month free. Do it. Um, who was the other thing? Also, they’ve got, like, a really cool original content. I mean, creep shows original, but also, I’ve watched several things that they’ve put out. They’ve got, like, the Joe Bob Briggs. So yeah, the drive in Joe Bob Briggs at the drive in. And they also have a really cool doc on Ah, black horror movies. Yeah, you are. Orin. Worry should check that out he was. Yeah. Shudder. So patri on Amazon and shudder. If you wantto support the show or if you just wanna mail me a check, I’ll receive that. Yeah, well, that would do. We do cash checks, money orders. All right, let’s get into spoilers. Spoiler section. All right, you That was David, but it was not. That is a lie. All right, so, um, Halloween, too. He just He just looks at me, blinks once and then says Halloween too. And then, like, he kind of goes off into another place where he doesn’t have to think about how Going to too much So, yeah, Halloween too. Likely said, it’s It’s just an extension of the first movie. Um, but the hospital. Bryce. How could it be an extension in the first movie if it’s in the hospital lately? Different. Um, what this movie features is lots of Michael Myers slow walking towards people and people not figuring out how to get away from him and also him surprising people by stabbing number, you know, murdering them. The There was a few moments in this movie where I where I was frustrated with Michael. Well, there’s sped up a little bit you could have. You could have had her. Anjali, you’re capable of moving a little faster. Well, now that he was shot six times the least in the heart, so s so it’s got that happening. And then the rest of the movie is Shoot is a showing, Dr Loomis, just spitting knowledge. And, like, philosophical on esoteric stuff about the nature of evil on Michael Myers in its It feels so tacked on. But that that was true in the first movie as well. Yeah. So if you like that in the first movie that he’s got plenty of it here. So it’s It’s funny. See them like Jax Jax Epazote juxtaposed. Jessica disposed until, like, just normal people so relevant. The first element prevail in the first guy that comes out toxins like What’s going on? Uh, trick or treated to death tonight? You know what death is? I’ve been trick or treated to death tonight. You don’t know what death is. All right, guys like load. And if you were that neighbor who’s like Are you serious? I’ve been trick or treated to death tonight. And then the guy responded. You don’t know what death is be like, Okay. Thank fuck you, buddy. Get off my lawn. All right, asshole. Get out of here. I’ll go find someone else to talk to is obviously a trick or treat. This is obviously a treat. This is This is like the version of Lake, um C s I Miami. Uh, David Carradine. When he’s like, I guess he was trick or treated to death. Except now and then I guess he was trick or treated to death. Yeah, he made the motion to put his glasses down. So instead of the who going Oh, you got you got a good old John Carpenter. Been trick or treated to death tonight. You don’t know what death is. Just picture Dr Loomis putting down some shades after he says that. Um, probably the coolest part of this movie is the intro. Yeah, the credits. The jack o lantern with the skull inside is really cool looking. Um, yeah. I’ll tell you what the Halloween movies air really good for is inspiring other better. Uh uh, No, but yes. Also know is inspiring Cool, vintage jackal and turn carvings. Because I last Halloween, I had a blast mimicking the the Halloween from the movie poster Jack o lantern. That’s on the movie poster. You know what? The big sharp knives for teeth? That was a fun want to do, and this one has. And then they have, like, one in the credits. They have, like jack lanterns, that air just kind of there. There’s something like very child like a child. Cut this, but also like a little off and sinister, which is great for Pump it. Um, there’s a couple of times in this film that it subverts your expectations. I mean, that’s just part of the slasher genre. The 1st 1 comes when Michael Myers goes into these old people’s house and you’re thinking, Oh, there’s gonna be the first kill old people, old people gonna die. Nope, he just takes This is what his notes say. They say there’s a way I read. Um uh oh. Old people gonne die. Nope. Eyes literally. What? I have written down People gonne die. Nope. So he doesn’t kill the old people. But then he finds another house with a young team. This is gonna be the goofiest episode ever. Uh, yeah, I’m a little punch drunk. Maybe. How late did you stay up? Was upto like 1 20 What’s the matter with you? What do you do? These things was you know, I gotta do it for the pod, man. You can you get all week I’ve got of things. E have lots of things at night. Um, Okay, so, yeah, there’s there’s some killings and then the bulk of this movie takes place in the hospital and Laurie strode. Jamie Lee Curtis’s character has taken to the hospital or were introduced to the handful of staff in this giant hospital. Like seven people work at this hospital tonight, and I don’t know. It’s like a 200 room hospital. It feels like it feels huge. I can’t imagine how big a hospital in rural in Illinois in the seventies or eighties Waas. You know, Illinois. I thought it was New Jersey. Haddonfield, Illinois field. I know you’re thinking a camp Crystal Lake is in New Jersey. All right. Um, so, yeah, it takes place in this hospital and, like, there’s a lot of just observations you can make about this hospital. Maybe I’ll save some of it for later. But, um, one of the important things is that There’s only one doctor. Yeah, and he’s a drunk, apparently. Well, just came from a party and his like Mm hm. Let me, um, give you a shot. He’s got a steady hand. I mean, right for a drunk doctor is a pretty steady hand, but Laurie is begging them not to put her to sleep. And of course they dio. But it doesn’t amount to anything. Yeah, I don’t know why they would need to put her to sleep. She doesn’t go into surgery or anything. Just has, like, establish. Yeah, they knock her out with, like, general anesthesia. And then what? Like they give her some stitches? It’s like, Wow, that’s a little a little intense. So lots of lots of stuff happens in this movie that happens in slasher genre movies, which is just nonsensical plot points, just like now she’s asleep. Oh, but now she’s running away because the killer’s after an it makes it adds tension or something like that I’m stuck in, is stuck in this door that’s closing and better take off my shirt. Bring out the sweater puppies. Um, so they’re the first part of the movie. They’re kind of hunting down Michael Myers. And there is a fake out, which is one of the most obvious fake outs because it’s within the 1st 10 minutes of the film. Those cop cars is great, like pins. Some soap in it. Well, it pins Michael Myers between her house car in the van and explodes into a ball of fire. And you’re like, Well, there we go, We got him. We have a first, uh, Loomis’s like he’s he’s getting ready to shoot this kid that he sees wearing a wearing the same mask Michael has. And there’s a big struggle over over trying him trying to shoot this kid. And I thought that was pretty funny. And then, yeah, And then instead, he’s saved from having to shoot the kid by a police officer who turns this child into a fireball. It’s great, basically probably chopped the kid in half between the cop car and Savannah that he hit. Yeah, like going like 40 miles per hour down like a residential street. It was an insane explosion that would not have happened, and then just immediately the bodies like burning up to a crisp. And so it’s like, I mean, is there anyone that’s going to think that that’s actually Michael Myers. They all did, because movie, who would end up being just some teenager with the same mask? Also featured in this movie is lots of first person camera work showing Michael creeping about mostly in the first part of the movie. They don’t do it as much later on, but they try toe to bring in the elements that worked in the first movie. Most of the first act of this film fills in the audience with the main plot points of the first film. Mainly that Michael Myers killed his sister when he was a young child and has been in a mental institution for his whole life. And then yeah, like, 10 or 12 years, something like that. Yeah. And ah, he recently escaped and had a murder spree, and Laurie Strode was at the center of it at the center of it. But why do we know why my he’s so fix it in on Laurie? Well, I’ll tell you, this is the spoiler section, right? Well, get ready for the biggest spoiler of Halloween too. Glory strewn his Michael Myers sister. Wait. Is she Are you seriously didn’t catch that. No. Oh, my God. Are you serious? Yeah, I remember them at toward the end. Being like sister, sister, sister. It’s to a twister, but I don’t. Ah. I don’t remember exactly how this it was really quick. Well, there, first of all, that wasn’t actually quick, because are you just trying to make me feel better or is this theirs too quick parts? And there is one where, um, it shows Laurie. And she’s remembering a moment from the past where she’s visiting some kid in the hospital. Yeah, and I mean, it’s pretty obvious at that point that, like, she at least have some sort of relationship with Michael Myers when she was younger. Okay, whatever. The kid isn’t a you know? Yeah. Hospitalized, Sure. And then later, briefly in the car when the doctor or nurse came back to get Dr Loomis toe because the governor apparently told him that he needs to go back to the mental institution for for I don’t know why I like we don’t want anyone from the hospital there in Haddonfield, because reasons so they come and come and get him. And in the car, she’s like there’s there’s something that you need to know. There’s a file that was hidden away because his parents didn’t want. I want people to know we should have told you. You know, this this doctor that’s been on Michael Myers this case for 15 years or whatever and ah, then she said, Laurie Strode is Michael Myers is sister okay? And then he’s like, Well, that’s why he’s here. He wants to finish her off because he killed his other sister and now he needs to kill. This is so in a way, it actually makes sense. Like I get it. I like it. It works, but also in the interest in the barest possible sense. It gives Michael Myers at least a reason to be going after this particular girl so hard. Um, but also it feels super tacked on. And this is a year after Empire strikes back. So it’s not too subtle of a rip off of, like, shocking reveal his family, a member of family relationship. Okay between the villain and the protagonist, I get where, where that that connection is now. Yeah, I didn’t even fucking catch that. You didn’t. That’s like the whole I didn’t even catching about this movie. I mean, it’s it’s weird what we latch on to write, because I could get so much meaning out of movies where there is apparently no meaning it off. This is true, and, ah, and yet there’s very important. It really speaks to the fact that is not an interesting movie. Like, I felt like I could go on autopilot for most of it, and I did so Basically, this movie was supposed to be the end of the story, so it was supposed to be like a self contained, too movie set to and done, and they’re going to do more Halloween movies. That was different topics so harrowing. Three was actually you know, Season of the Witch had nothing to do with Michael Myers. Michael Myers was dead, right? Right. And that’s kind of a trope In the spring, we said, no matter how much you kill Michael Myers at the end of these movies like, yeah, he’s still gonna come back. And that’s common among slashers. Yeah, but so John Carpenter was going to do like a which based one, and then after that one, he was gonna do a ghost based one. And there’s all gonna happen on the day of Halloween, Right? That was gonna be the through line. It was gonna be more of an anthology kind of thing, right? Right, Right. Halloween three did not work out, even though apparently is a better movie from this one? Yes. So I’ve heard we have a blogged. Keith wrote a blogged about it about how season of the witch was basically not given its due. Yeah, and just Ah, financially, it was a failure. And so they decided, make the Supreme Creator decision to be like, Well, let’s just bring back Michael Myers because that’s what people actually and they have ever since. I mean, it’s they should have done whatever, but But this was supposed to be like the last film. And then they have you know, nine other films just enter this. No, I guess there’s eight other films after this, But even in this Siri’s in this timeline before to rebooted, I think there’s feel more so Wow, this idea that Laurie is his sister, I think, is common among most of them. They play really loose with, like Theo timeline for Halloween because the the reboot. All the soft reboot in 2018 completely disregards this film, right? Like because it’s very problematic toe. Have Lori be his sister. They just have to read con that out or just ignore it and just say, Never mind. None of those movies happen, right? Let’s start again. So anyways, but that’s that’s an important point in this movie. Glad you’re paying attention, David. Like you don’t miss that. Yeah, I missed nothing. Um, okay. So lots of horror movie tropes in this movie, first of which, I mean, other than just Carol killer, Um, that unstoppable. What? What are some of the troops you see in this movie? So there’s the phone lines that get cut immediately. So, uh, the killer knows this place like the back of his hand. Uh, he’s he’s ah, he’s so familiar with the hospital that he’s able to find and disconnect the phone line, Uh, before anything else happens in this room. And then, um, the incompetent security guard. That’s got to be a trope, right? The, um yeah, I was gonna say the in terms of horror movies, sex at work. Slashers would be a lot less scary if people were actually competent at their jobs. Yeah, yeah. If this guy wasn’t a gigantic bumbling, you know, 50 year old, because the security guards like here, take this. I’m gonna talking on the radio on the girl that he hands it to, like, you know, some 18 year old several. She’s like, I don’t know how to use. And then he’s gone. It’s like I got to check this thing out. You got my back with this radio. She’s like, how does it just leaves walks out? Um, this is like that. That cop and, uh, in health test or he’s like, Yeah, you’re the guy attacked you. But But what am I supposed to do about it? What am I supposed to do that? Yeah. There’s lots of people in masks here. Check out our view of health test about this time last year. Fabulous slasher. Um, so the the one notable thing is that the pacing is ah lot slower in this film. So seventies early eighties slashers are noticeably slower with even even Michael Myers just walking like we’ve already said, Who’s he’s the slowest villain. He’s by far the slowest, and, ah, and you know eyes. But interestingly, you know, like Texas Chainsaw Massacre before I believe the original Halloween. Uh, yeah, for sure. And faster paced. A CZ far is, Ah, lot of different things. It’s a It’s just a much more disturbing overall premise to May. Yeah, there’s like a combination of liking the ah cinema verite, a kind of stuff from the seventies where it’s trying to be a little more realistic, a little more normal paste. And so it’s. It’s noticeable in this movie that a lot of time, it’s just really quiet. There’s literally just nothing going on. It’s a person standing there for a couple seconds before making a motion or doing something and yeah, its silence. And then, like a little alarm bell goes off or something. What did you call it? Cinema verite? A. What’s that? It’s like very today is like truth or something. So it’s like truth on film. It’s like a way to it. It is a style I a style. It’s just, like, kind of a feel, like a lot of movies in the seventies, like it got, uh, very just it got out of the way in terms of like, lots of cuts. There were longer takes more silence in the dialogue, just more time to let everything breathe. And so that’s definitely something that’s very obvious in at, particularly in the first Halloween. Yeah, so that’s that’s kind of noticeable. If you’re a fan of recent horror movies like you’re gonna be like, yeah, even even the sound is a lot more subtle, like the jump scares. Like it’s not like, really, really loud. So I just kind of like, Well, yeah, the cat one cat one The cat jumps scaring this worked on me by the really Oh, my God. Oh my gosh, I was like Because Because normally, like, ah, Halloween movie is not going to throw a big jump scare at you like, especially in early one. Yeah, I see. I wrote down slow us jump scare ever because it just felt so I’m used to be. I’m used to being hit over the head with it now, especially with, like the conjuring movies and modern jump scare like factories of movies like they have a formula where it’s, you know, quiet, precise and effective, like dread filled music. And then, yeah, yeah, a big, loud sound So you is that this was literally just a guy looking in the dumpster and then account going. I was like, No kitty, Bad kitty. Oh, Speaking of which, bad kitty, my cat brought a live mouse into our house and dropped it on the floor and watched it run away like you fucking bitch. Like I tried to smash it. But it it Ah, it escaped my smash. And, uh, and then I like I It’s just a baby mouse. And look, I know how you’re feeling, Pita. I know you’re out there. I know you’re coming for me, but there’s a mouse in my house and this mouse is turning my house upside down. I see it under the couch like I get up in the morning. It doesn’t know where it is. It’s an outside mouse. It’s like, What the fuck is going on? It’s a baby kind of. And it’s s o. I chasing around and open the door and try to shoot it out. If I can, I’ll smash it. But really, I just hope it runs away so I don’t have to take its life. Did I ever tell you my great white hunter story? know what? Thistles. What? I turned my great white hunters story. Okay, like your Moby Dick move. I’ve gotta I’ve gotta paint a picture here. Um, so, yeah, we had a mouse in the house every once a while, our house would get a mouse that would come in through kind of either. Like, there’s this of this event or something, but it would get through close to where my parents, garbage disposal or the trash compactor was and get into the trash compactor and scurry around in there, and we’d always have cats, and so they usually take care of him. But this one mouse was in our living room, and I noticed it, and I could see it was kind of trapped. It couldn’t, Uh, all I could do is, like, go behind the couch is like it was a sunk down like a step down. Yeah, it was like a tiny, tiny mouse like you’re talking about. So it probably could have jumped out, but it was It was kind of going around the same path. And then I realized that recently I had purchased something. A blowgun up. Logan. Oh, yeah. I never told you this story. I think I think this is starting to become more familiar. So it’s like Bruce Willis and Pulp Fiction when he spots The samurai sword was like the blowgun and, like, blow guns air. Not very useful. It’s kind of fun for like, 10 minutes. You’ve got, like, you put a needle into a tree. Yeah, and you got, like, a little target or whatever, but then it’s got all these acute trauma where you can you can buy the needles that’ll take down like a squirrel. You by a needle that could take down, like something a little bigger, maybe like a bunny or something, the different tips and stuff. So I had, you know, just the normal Neil tips. And then there was one that was, like, just kind of had a flare on it at the tip, like like a like a metal flare. It was like someone hammered it. Okay, Yeah. Yeah. And so it does a little more damage if it goes in. And then the ones that actually use most were like the little yellow pucks that you just shoot it. So wait. It’s a needle with a flare in the needle tip. Uh oh. Okay, so it’s yet just does a little more damage, like not gonna not gonna come out. It’s not just gonna go straight through. It’s like a barbed hook. Yeah, um, but I liked when they sold sold it to me the little yellow pucks that it shoots out. They sold it as like, Well, this is you can just stun him. Like if you find a squirrel that you don’t want your bird feeder, you just shoot it with one of these. It’s not gonna kill him just on him, and it’s gonna go off. I called those. I called those garrett fodder. Yeah, this’d what I used to shoot my brother with. And then you just say, And then I remember he made a note to not let the squirrel see you, cause you want it to not associate your presence with it. Just wanted to associate their commercial that you’re talking about know about it affair or something like that. Oh, so this is a guy pitching this thio Sam ways I had this blow again. So I went and unwrapped the blowgun which was on my sword racked by the by the way, Bryce’s secret. Shame is he used to collect mall ninja swords like a fucking geek. There’s no shame. So they weren’t from the mall. They’re from various country locations around the world locations. Anyways, it took out the blowgun and I went down. And the paint the picture. This is like 14 year old me So still like riel Real chubby fat will just a fence. And I’m in, like, just my tighty whiteys. Yeah, No shirt. Now we’re talking, so I’m like, full Rambo, like, made of native native mode. And I take out my blowgun and I look back the back crack of the couch between the couch and the wall. Nash’s see my foe, huh? And then he spots may start for running away, and I blow and he jumps into the darkness. Just is the needle goes out. I did. Did you get him? You got him? Yeah. Who needle went right through him and pinned him to the ground. Holy shit. That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever heard. I don’t like killing stuff, but I will. And I appreciate the ah, the tam. The marksmanship. Yeah, that’s incredible. So get yourself a blowgun. Did Ah. Did you feel like? Did you feel like a lot of guilt, or were you just like fucking badass right now? Were you like that, Chubby? A 14 year old in his tighty whitey? She’s, like, on top of the world. I was so amazed that I hit him like the chances that I Yeah, I hit him were so astounding. I don’t practice this. It’s not like this is my Yeah, Yeah, And blow guns air. So surprisingly like intuitive. Like it’s pretty easy to Yes, it market takes the concept of Look where you want to throw, right when and it and it makes it even easier because it attach. Is it basically to your nose, right underneath your nose. Where is your sights? But yeah. Yeah, so, um okay, I have probably felt a little bit of guilt, but I was so elated that I that I got him and I showed everyone like, Can you believe that I got this fucking mouse with his blowgun? I’m not gonna lie. I’m proud of you right now. Like is probably It’s probably the best moment in my life. Did he die? And I have three children. Did he die right away was he was dead. Okay. Wow. Yeah, That’s a That’s a clean shot. It was a humane death. I mean, it went right through. Face the chest, chest. All area. Chester area. Yeah, that’s Ah, that’s a common Adam and Emma Tom Mickle term. Anyway, let’s get back to this boring movie. Um, so lots of deaths. So, I mean, that’s what people come to these movies for is like the interesting death. So there’s a claw hammer death. Yeah, which is cool. That’s the security guard that gets killed. There’s some needle in the eye deaths. Yeah, I don’t like those specifically don’t like the needle in the eye deaths. There’s lots of ah, scalpel deaths. So most of this film is Michael Myers with a little tiny scalpel, which is a little less intimidating than a giant butcher knife. Yeah, he Although he does perform some of his most common party tricks like, you know, stabbing you in the back with a scalpel instead of a big, gigantic buoy number and then lifting you off the ground with that scalpel. Yeah, I don’t think it’s Koppel would do that. Wouldn’t you Shut up? Um, also a scalding death. Yeah, So this one is Ah, this is this Death was meant for boob jiggles. Uh, that’s Ah, that’s what it was meant for. A girl is telling herself off and ah, her Michael Myers. It’s like in a therapeutic tub, and Michael Myers turns up the heat to 11. And so it’s like it even has, like, a dial that says scalding as it’s going past it. And somehow just it’s so hot that it just burns off, hurt the first layer of skin, and it’s like sloughing off. Well, hang on, Uncle Myers. His hand is honest. I want to set this up a little bit here. So So she’s telling off. She’s, like, just gotten done fooling around with her boyfriend in the tub. She’s like she caught, puts an end to it. She puts the kibosh on that. She’s like, You’re not getting this tonight. I got to goto work, and so he goes to towel off in the other room. And where my ah, Michael Myers kills him and then, ah, And then, as she’s telling off next to the tub, Michael Myers enters the room, approaches her from behind, lovingly caresses her shoulder, and she’s like, Oh, you know, Sorry. Sorry, boy. And she’s like sucking on his hand. Yeah. You know what we’re like, like, just kind of on. Let me just touch you. Wouldn’t you, like, taste the blood? Or like, I just I don’t know, grossness like Michael Myers his hand. I don’t Guy that was with her just came out of the tub like, yeah, his hand would have been my at least clammy. I feel like if I was gonna suck on someone’s hand, I would be able to tell whether it was my boyfriends or not. Yeah, maybe just saying. Yeah, well, I mean, you know, she she Maybe she’s just maybe she just, you know, like, um so used to sucking on so many different hands that it’s just one of those things where it’s, like the back of her mind. But yeah, she really gave this hand a weird suck. And and then, you know, she turns around and it’s Mike Michael Myers, and she’s like, Oh, God! And then he takes and dunk, sir. Ah, bunch. You know, and, uh, and then get in Slough off her face and that. But Mike’s hand is strangely unscathed. But, you know, maybe, I mean, we don’t get a close up of the hand afterward, and and maybe it was maybe maybe, like the pre dunk suck wet his hand, put a protective layer of Survivor that would protect the fact that he’s holding company having her hair. Maybe it’s like like a glove, right? Like a hair glove hairs or what’s not overthinking other deaths of strangling death, just lots of lots of different. The way is toe kill people that Michael Myers coaster. Except, you know, the one defence is walking a little quicker than normal. Just just okay, just a little faster. So throughout the movie, they tryto had kind of like supernatural elements of they try and tack on a bunch of weird shit. Yeah, 11 of the elements, you know that they try to expand it is Laurie and Michael’s relationship. But then, also, Loomis’s here throughout just trying to kind of expand it into like a supernatural realm that he’s, you know, questionably undead kind of thing. It and then he sees the Michael Myers left like this, writing on a chalkboard and blood that said, Samhain and Loomis had this to say about that. What says it’s gibberish? No, that’s a Celtic word. Samhain. That means the Lord of the Dead. The end of summer. The festival off some aid. That’s Halloween, isn’t it? Oh, play that clip. Had a lot of background sound going on. Yeah, And then there’s this is him actually kind of explaining, Maura, about what? That festival is about to say. The black bag in the elementary school. In order to appease the gods, the Druid priests held fire rituals. Prisoners of war criminals, insane animals, learned alive in basket. By observing the way they died, the Druids believed they could see omens of the future. 2000 years later, we’ve come no further. Sam Main isn’t evil spirits. Goblins goes the witches, the unconscious mind. We’re all afraid of the dog inside ourselves. Please. Yeah, so I mean, it’s trying to expand it into into this trilogy into them. The next generations of this That won’t feature Michael Myers. Yeah. I mean, it’s very obviously like the hypothesis of this movie is like, this is Dr. Loomis is here to say this is kind of what we’re going for. Yeah, and to me. It’s kind of disappointing because if you can’t show that with the rest of the film, if you need someone to spell out, this is what we’re going for. This is like the Lord of the Death, and this is it’s the in country, unconscious mind and it’s blah, blah, blah. All right, I get what you’re I get what you’re trying to do. But it just leaves me saying to myself, Actually, Miss, please, you know when when you were playing, I got two things when you’re playing that clip and the high pitched squealing came in over my head phones. I thought I was hearing something from out outside and I had a panic moment. So that was that was fairly effective. If you watch this movie, listen to it on headphones and get a different experience. But then also Price, I have a question that I think you might be able to help me with, which is a lot of times. So you know, these big these big slashers get, um, you know, get big on the merit of the Creator. Right? John Carpenter, First Halloween. John Carpenter dirt, but writes and directs. Why? But West West Craven nightmare on Elm Street. Same thing. Why is it that they take it out of that person’s hands for the second movie all the time? The second, the third? They’re like, Yeah, John Carpenter can write it, but he was not going to direct. And what is that? John Carpenter didn’t want to direct it like I don’t know. I don’t think him and the other writer actually wanted to do Halloween, too. They were. They said no. Initially, I just read this on imdb. They’re like, No, the first film stands alone on its own. It’s a great movie. We don’t want to extend it because that would. And then you’re like, How about we give you more money? And John Carpenter goes okay, all right. And so they offered him more money and, ah, supposedly this was in the trivia. I don’t know if they actually saw into John Carpenter’s mind, but basically said that he made no money off of the first film. And so the second paycheck. And I think this is true of a lot of creators that have a really, really successful first film, that they don’t have a great deal because they’re unknown or unproven s o. They don’t make a lot of money off of the one thing that I just made a shit ton of money and they do the following ones to make that up. So John Carpenter was like, Well, I didn’t make any money off the 1st 1 and it made a ton of money. So I can kind of get my due by writing the script of this one. And, um and I don’t have to have my name attached to a terrible movie as a director. Yeah, just the writer. Just the one with all the concepts, right? So And it’s it’s kind of interesting when you say you’re not terrible. I don’t mean to say that this is movie. This movie is terrible, but like, if you were look at Nightmare on Elm Street to Yeah, it’s terrible. So So it’s Ah, he wrote it and tried to incorporate elements of some of the more successful, um, horror movies around that time. So apparently the director wanted to make it very much like the 1st 1 and John Carper to win in after that director’s final cut and added some scenes that were more gory because that’s what the kids wanted right in the early eighties. And so it’s kind of like a muddled kind of a muddled movie. I’m really glad I asked that question because this answers a lot. You know, I really isn’t always been confusing to me that why don’t you bring back the guy who did the work like, Yeah, this is the reason It’s good. Yeah, my, um, eso lots of things in this movie here and this is more, more horror trips, a lot of convenient just stuff that doesn’t make sense. And to a certain extent, it’s trying to be dreamlike, like there’s a lot of dream logic in this, where one minute Lori is catatonic. She’s like, See, she’s literally like, not breathing because she’s having a reaction medication and Michael Myers is coming for and you’re like, Oh, no, oh, no, She’s catatonic. He’s gonna get her. And then once Michael Myers opens the door and stabs, it’s just pillows. And then Laurie is now running away because because she woke up and you look just run away. Yeah, just in time, Yeah, Then the other one is like, glorious running away. This is the one. This is the one, like chasing that was the most ridiculous because it’s literally like he’s as far away from her as you are from me right now, which is like five feet. And she decides then to climb up some boxes and open a window and climb out the window after after watching him approach for a good 14 feet. Yeah, for very clumsily and slowly and Michael Myers, like, slowly walks up. And then he kind of waves at her in a way that Ricky Bobby does in Talladega Nights was just like, Don’t know what to do. A hand. I don’t know what to do with my hands, just like Michael might just close your hand. You’ll have her. I mean, I get what they were going for right? Which is which is all the girls in the theatre immediately go. Oh, he’s grabbing at her legs. Is she got but really What? It Yeah, What it really achieves is it makes Michael looks stupid, and and then my this is my favorite part of the whole movie. Once she gets out of that window, then she she’s in another part of like a storage room or something like that in the basement. And she runs around a chain link fence like an L pattern around a chain link fence toe where she sees an elevator and Mike Myers is hot on her tail, moving at the speed of smell. And he he is walking so slowly that she is able to get get in the elevator, goes down three Flory floors. She gets in, it opens the door, you know, agonizingly slowly, like an elevator does. And then it closes. You know, she’s like, Oh, God, impressing the door closed, his hand goes in the elevator issued, or she’s watching him approach over 10 feet while she’s in the elevator going, Please, please close, Please. Please. Clothes. And he can’t speed up one little iota. And then he puts his hand in the door. So you’re thinking it’s gonna open the elevator, but then he just pulls it out on the door. Close the only elevator in the world that does that just like out my hand. Yeah, so there’s lots of that kind of stuff. It’s strangely endearing, though. Yeah, again. In this in this hospital is the most I I think They’re working in an abandoned hospital, and no one told them. Well, hey, wait a minute. This isn’t the hospital with the patients things the old abandoned hospital down on the, you know, old hospital road for 1 to 5. Hospital road? No, for 1 to 6. No, it’s that hospital right there. It’s not this one. They followed the drunk doctor over there, just trusting you. News? Yeah. I mean, and it’s great. There’s actually a scene with one of the e m t s. And he’s all Listen, I can’t find anybody that’s gone. Mrs. Alice is gone. We gotta find Laurie. Listen, I can’t find anyone. Can you imagine being in the hospital that was literally just empty? See? And this is a question that I have to maybe some viewers who are listeners who are older than me. So I’m an eighties kid nineties kid, born in the eighties and, ah, same with Bryce. So we don’t really have Ah, good. We don’t have a good idea about what? You know, maybe middle America. You know, we’re talking Illinois. We’re talking Kansas, Oklahoma. Just good old corn fed motherfuckers out there. What was it like in like the seventies and eighties. Was this an accurate portrayal of the hospital in those toe? I I’m so curious. I just didn’t have accidents back then. They didn’t. Maybe maybe it’s not that they didn’t have accidents, but there just wasn’t very many of them. Or maybe they just let people die a lot of debt. There were a lot more deaths. Yeah, you know, Yeah, I’m very leery is likely. Completely empty. I think the only other patient that we saw was there was a couple babies in the nursery. The loneliest babies with no mother. See, never like they’re just sitting there like, Yeah, so yeah, it’s It’s just it feels dream like it does. Um, but if you’re going for, like, a realistic I didn’t Whatever. So, um, and then the end Michael walks through some doors to go after them. Well said, and the and then Lori shoots him in the eyes. But before she does that, he has to walk through some doors to get yeah, walk through some doors to get torn. Laurie has a gun that Dr Loomis gave and he shoots. She shoots him in the eyes, and then the blood comes out like tears. And I said, Oh, you made him cry for the little guy or Michael Myers And and then he’s blind. And Dr Loomis and Laurie on are on separate sides of the room and they figure out turning on the air is like I wanted them to say he’s attracted to the sound of air because they kept turning on the’s like air container tanks. Yeah, these big the other room, these big tanks containing oxygen and, ah, ether. But wouldn’t Wouldn’t they just fucking pass out if there’s a either just floating around. Instead, Dr Loomis lights a match in. They get blowed up, sacrificing himself. They have blowed up real good, like literally, just a giant fireball explosion ends really? Well, that’s that for sure. And it shows Michael Myers laying on his stomach like literally just burning for probably like a good minute. Yeah, showing them like seemed like it was 30 seconds or so. He is dead. Legally dead D E. D. Dead no more Michael Meyers movies. No, he’s gone. 100%. See is flesh burning office skull. We’ve cashed in this chip. It’s over. There’s just no more go home. There’s no way that they could make four more movies starring Michael Myers and then to re re imaginings. Yeah, yeah, you know, he was still like and also like, movies. Donald Pleasants is in the other movies, too. So apparently Dr Loomis survives as well. Well, there’s a There was a little trip to a burn ward, you know, had some second degree burns anyways, so that kind of ruins. I mean, that’s the thing with these movies, like you have to see him in the time because the fact that you know that they’re seven other sequels is like, Well, he’s still there like that means nothing. That ending means nothing. Yeah, gives it gives a little bit away trying to think. Have we seen any new movies that are going to turn into something big? I guess I guess I When I saw the conjuring, I felt, Ah, I saw that in theaters and I felt like, Wow, this there’s something here And then certainly there has been obviously, I mean, the one that I would point to that I bet would get a sequel is ready or not, but I don’t know how they would do that for how that would be a franchise. Well, I’m sure there are some mildly creative people who will make that happen. Yeah. Ready or not? Probably the best movie. Yeah, that we’ve seen recently. Yeah, for sure. I don’t think they’re going to make a franchise off of midsummer. No. Or hereditary. Now, what if they did make a franchise off of hereditary? Wouldn’t that be great? They feel they feel like I mean, you could he could do a sequel of Hereditary. Yeah, but, I mean, I would I would want it to be Ari Astor. Yeah. Um, yeah. I don’t know. Flashes. I think slashers do super well anymore right now. I mean, I guess Halloween 2018 made a ton of money. Yeah, and I thought there was gonna be I thought there was gonna be a sequel to that this year. Actually, is that next year? Okay. 2020. Yeah. Okay. Um, so, yeah, that was that was the movie lots of, Ah, stabbing. Lots of slow walking. Yeah, lots of ah, lots of scalp. ALS. I mean, it’s it’s interesting, because, like, if you were gonna watch the first movie might as well, just tack on this one, too. It just to see where that self encapsulated story where the original vision would have stopped. I don’t have a problem with this movie. To be clear, this movie does not suck. It is not a bad movie. No, In fact, I thought it was like I really do think it is interesting that it’s not like there’s no laughable parts or like, parts that I’m rolling my eyes out. It’s just very trophy. It’s like, Yep, that’s that thing. Yeah, and part of that is this is the like. This is the standard centre for tropes. Like this is where a lot of those started, right? So, yeah, we look at him. Now we go. That’s so hacky. Like a look at that hacky bullshit. But yeah, it’s hacky because it started it like that. This was this started a whole movement. And I do think it’s interesting that it that it literally picks up seconds after the 1st 1 and just carries out the rest of the night. Yeah, so yeah. So final recommendations, man. Uh, you know, if you’re doing if you’re doing a watching of of all the Halloween’s or something like that. This one is not one to skip. In my opinion, Yeah. So do that. This this Halloween click through our link on Amazon. Watch this movie on Amazon. Rent it. All right, please. Yeah. I mean, if you like slasher movies like this is I mean, obviously the Halloween franchise or something that you should definitely touch on. Yeah. One and two. Probably some of the most important ones on. So I think like out of them that people talk about theirs. Having one into There’s three. I think three is is Yeah, three. Notable in how different it is. But it’s not. I mean, it’s weird even include that in this franchise. It’s like its own thing, too. Yeah, but I think that’s why I mean, why, um h 20 this. It’s a lot of attention. Had some rapper in it in there. No, that was another one. Know it for sure. H 20 Definitely. I got it. Now. I gotta look this up. No, there’s one. Because that was 1998 99. There was Halloween. Resurrection had Busta Rhymes. Okay, Okay. I was thinking about Lep in the hood. Leper con in the Oh, yeah. Um, I think h 20 um I mean, the 2018 Halloween one got really good scores we’ll see about. Okay, so h 20 in the return of Michael Myers Got some good stuff. So I think, like, I think number three No. Yeah. So yeah, 12 and four and then skip to H 20 is probably where you should go. Well, in terms of like, the original, lots of people, lots of people. There’s a lot of controversy around the Rob Zombie remakes, Um, personally, it way too gross and, um, horrific for me. But, um, but they are notable in that some people definitely prefer the backstory of Mike Myers and why he is the way he is. And, ah, and Rob Zombie does kind of delve into it in his two movies. I’m looking at the cast for H 20 right now, Obviously, Jamie Lee Curtis. But other notables. Our Josh Barnett and Joseph Gordon Levitt. There you go, Joseph Gordon Levitt in 1998. Like coming right off 1\/3 Rock from the Sun. Joseph Gordon Levitt. So let’s play Attack of the Rotten tomatoes, Right, mate? Hey, that’s one of my favorite. That’s one of my favorites, too, because we have thio say rotten, right, because we’re too lazy to record it. Uh, okay. So, like I said, this version of Attack of the Rotten Tomatoes, we’re going to be pitting Halloween against Nightmare on Elm Street. I’m going to give you two one from each franchise. And I tried to param up a cz close to the years as I could. So you try to go like, like, one like like householders. And there’s a couple of them that are the same year, so yeah, you’ll see. Okay, So let’s let’s start with the first films, though. So Halloween 1978. Okay, the original versus the original a nightmare on Elm Street, which was in 1984. So that’s the biggest separation that we have. And we’re going off of the Taito Meter score. That’s the critics scores the critics aggregate score. Let me think here. Okay, so Halloween, which is so iconic that it’s, you know, arguably birth the slasher genre in and of itself. And then we have the original nightmare on Elm Street, which is, um, extraordinaire also extremely notable in that, you know, Freddie is probably the most iconic slasher villain ever. So, um, I gotta say, I think I think John Carpenter gets a little bit more traction with the critics than West Craven. So I’m going to say the original Halloween. You are correct. Oh, by Halloween. Got 96 down Nightmare on Elm Street at 94. So you in close? Yeah. You close? I don’t even think my logic for that stands up. I think that’s just anomalous thing. Yeah. Next we have Halloween four. The Return of Michael Myers, made in 1988 available on Shuter and a chipped A Nightmare on Elm Street. Four. Both four’s the Dream Master. Okay, so how in four? Directed by Dwight H. Little and Mark Cunningham And starring Donald Pleasants, Ellie Cornell and George P. Wilbur. You know those stars? Big names, Dream Master. It was directed by Reni Harland starring Robert Englund, of course, Lisa Wilcox and Danny Hassle. This is tough. Um, I have I’ve seen neither. I was thinking about watching Halloween four on Shuter. Um, but I haven’t yet, so I think for this one I’m going to go Halloween again because I have heard good things about that one, and I have not heard almost anything about ah, name and Elm Street for So that’s what I’m saying. You hear a lot about dream warriors Dream Warriors? Yeah, is three, but this is the next one dream Master. Um, you are wrong. Oh, wow. Nightmare on Elm Street. Four got 55. Okay, so just under fresh, I think freshest 60. Yeah, something like them. So it’s really split right down the middle for critics. Halloween four got 30% hoof. Um, yeah, which is actually more than to. I think two is, like, 30. So, um, a little, maybe a little better than the one we watched. Uh, might be interested in whatever. Okay. How in five. Revenge of Michael Myers Directed by Dominique Oh Thelen Gerard Starring Daniel Harris, Donald Pleasants and Wendy Kaplan vs A Nightmare on Elm Street five. The Dream Child in 1989 both in 1989 that when it’s directed by Stephen Hopkins Starring Robert Englund, Lisa Wilcox and Danny Hassle. The same cast His last movie, Dream Child fucked me up. It it is It is the reason I slept with the lights on from ages five or six until, like, nine. Not joking. Yeah, because I’ve mentioned this before in podcast. My family had pay per view because we had one of the gigantic satellite dishes in the eighties. And Ah, and this was on and, like, 90 or something like that. And I was just a little boy. And I caught, um, Freddie become birthing himself out of a woman’s like stomach, like with his claws on da. And that fucked me up, buddy. Like so just based on that, I’m gonna have to say, um, Dream child you are Could react. No, baby. Yeah. Helling, five. Revenge of Michael Myers got 13. Wow. And that is not, uh, nightmare on Elm Street. Five Got 32. Dang. Okay. Still not great. Not great. Not good. A 22 scarring for May, for sure. All right. Next in 1995 Halloween Curse of Michael Myers. This is Howling six Directed by Joe Chappell Starring Donald Pleasants, Paul Rudd’s and Mitchell Ryan. I’m really interested to see what a Halloween produced in the dead mid nineties looks like. Yeah, you know. And then West Craven’s new nightmare and was in 1994 so a year earlier. Directed by Wes Craven starring David Newson, Robert Englund and Heather Langenkamp. Which is the girl from the first movie. Never heard One thing Heather Langenkamp is in dream Warriors. Well, never heard one thing about Halloween six, but I’ve heard lots of good stuff about a new nightmare. So I’m gonna say, Newman, New Nightmare. You’re correct. Yeah, this is probably the biggest spread of points. Wes Craven’s new nightmare Kind of a soft reboot. Yeah. Franchise got a 78 damn 2nd 2nd highest score for that franchise. And pretty sure, um, hello in six. Got a 606% power and red Poor Paul Red, Do you think Do you think when, like the howling franchises brought up in front of Paul Red, Do you think he’s like, you know, I was in a Halloween? Or do you think it was like, What? Oh, yeah, that seems like it’s ah, interesting franchise sixths. And that’s I mean, it’s strangely fitting that Halloween six got to six. Um, okay, so you’ve already got three. So you’ve won the game, but I got two more. Okay. Ah, Halloween Resurrection 2002 Directed by. Dick Rosenthal Starring Buster Rhymes, Tyra Banks and Jamie Lee Curtis. Damn Tyra Banks in her hottest nous. Uh, and who else? And Jamie Lee Curtis? Probably in her Hodess n’est staying And that was that was right after true lies. So what is it, really? I never I never saw true lies. But what is it about? What What is it about? Never seen true life. Okay, I just never have understood people like my dad would be like watching Halloween like he doesn’t watch horror movies. And he’s like Jamie Lee Curtis is the one more Ryan. What the fuck are you talking about? Why does everybody think Jamie Lee Curtis is so hot? Well, there’s a couple movies. There’s trading spaces. She prayed, plays a hooker in that one, and she’s got a nice bod. Um, true lies definitely shows off pretty nice bod like I mean, I get it, Okay, I totally get it. And you see, I guess I need to see true lies you gotta see truly. It’s like one of the best action movies ever made. That’s that’s why I’m just not interested in it. I guess. Yeah, it’s It’s like, Well, it’s James Cameron. Okay. Oh, I did not know that. We’ll watch that. Um okay. Versus our back to the game. Freddy versus Jason, which is 2003. A year later, directed by Ronnie You, starring Robert Englund, Can cursing her and Monica Keena. I went to see that in theaters with a bunch of my friends, and it was hilarious. I’m gonna say a resurrection. Was that the other option? Uh, yeah, I’m gonna say resurrection because Freddy versus Jason was terrible. And I’m sure critics didn’t even jokingly like it. Buster Rhymes did not pull through. It was actually Ah, Freddy versus Jason. That got a higher score. So Halloween Resurrection got an 11 hoof and Freddy versus Jason Got a 41. Wow, that’s a lot more than I would have expected. I would have expected 11 vs, like 14. Still not fresh, but yeah. Dang right. Direction must be fucking awful. Can you even imagine how bad it would have to be to have like to be up against Freddy versus Jason and be like, yeah, definitely friendly first, like, not even comparable universes apart. Also, I think it’s like lower expectations. If I mean Freddy versus Jason, it’s such an exploitative concept. That’s not like anyone’s gonna expect lots of introspective dialogue there. Anything in that movie? Um, okay. Last one h two Halloween, too. The 2009 version. Not the one that we reviewed. This one’s directed by it. Robert Zombie murdering Malcolm McDowell, Brad Dourif, which I think is the voice of Chucky If I’m remembering, Right and e, I think Brad am something. Something Anyway, I’m not sure. Well, now we gotta check now. We have to You have to check because Bryce has to be right all the time. Mark Hamill is the voice of new Chuckie. Yeah, Brander. Oh, yes. Yeah, I was right. Oh, so it is. So you know so, yeah. Brad Dourif was an H 20 k and Tyler Mane versus a Nightmare. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2010. The Reboot, Directed by a Samuel Bear starring Rooney, Mara, Kyle Galle, Honor and Thomas Dekker. This is the 22,010 reboot Eso Keith wrote a blogged about this. And how the reboot not not necessary. Um, and I trust Keith’s opinion very much, eh? so I’m gonna go ahead and say, Robert zombies flick H two. You’re correct. Maybe. So. You got four out of six. Good job. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Ellen has a much worse track record than nightmare on Elm Street. Yeah, apparently not. That nightmare on Elm Street got better than average scores, but slightly better. Hey, I got a quick question for you. Of the what I would consider the original slasher. Ah, like the big the big hitters, I’d say there’s five, right? I’d say there’s Friday, 13th Halloween nightmare on Elm Street. Um, and I don’t know where the fifth, where I had the idea that there was 1\/5 but it’s child’s play be a child’s plays, is the other one Which of those of what you have seen thus far, Which of those Siri’s do you enjoy the most, Um and why? No, I think it’s kind of a tie between ah, nightmare on Elm Street and child’s play. It’s just more creative, like there’s lots of more ways and go with it. I think I think the villains are both, like about on par with each other in terms of interesting and and menace. Yeah, like I’m really appreciate child’s play And how how fucking disturbing that movie actually is like, and And I feel like I can get behind the comedy of all the rest of the child’s plays and the cultish kind of feel of it. You know, the runner up for me is definitely Friday the 13th though while I’ve only seen a handful of them, like specifically, the 1st 2 are so good. I really enjoyed him. Ah, lot. So, yeah, I think most slashers just blend in together and like, it just has to have an added element for me If it’s just a guy killing people. Yeah, I don’t know. Gonna fart on rice here. All right, let’s wrap up so we can have a hellhole with fart infested. We got to record the after pie. Uh, thanks for listening. I don’t know what it is about, and I just always assumed that this one will be a quick one, and then we hit, like, an hour 30 anyways. Yeah, it’s just the way it is. Well, we had to tell the great White Hunter story, so thanks for listening. I know there’s not a lot of people listening to this point. Hey, if you guys, if you guys want some access to some good content, I’m gonna tell a story on the after pod about how my wife fucked up our children. Really good. Um, not not. She didn’t mean is just a three year old that she gave a scary book, too, and thinking it would help. But it’s a good. So check out our patriotic yes, if you want that goto patri on and sign up for one of the tears that gets access to the after pods. Um, please. If you enjoyed the show, share this podcast with the friend. It’s really hard to discover podcasts. So if you like a podcast, it’s really important for listeners to share it with people and mention it. Also, we would love if you would leave rating on apple podcasts. You don’t even have to leave a review just a rating and would be great. Smash those stars smash that like button ring that bail. You’re gonna buy anything on Amazon coming up Goto horror movie talk dot com and click through on the buy on Amazon button. Just so weakened. Get a little taste of that. Bookmark that button, baby. Check out shutter dot com. Use h empty a check out to get a 30 day free trial that covers all the Halloween bitches Do it. And so, uh, please join us again next week where it will be talking about. I believe it’s pumpkinhead. Pumpkinhead? Yeah, Yeah, the the the low on the totem pole Slasher monster flick That doesn’t get enough respect. What I’m is what I’m told. I haven’t seen it, but we’ll review that next week. Right? Thanks again to our patrons for being so generous and supporting the show. You are rock stars. And until next time, this was horror movie talk. Get heated on C on the flip flap. It’d take that shit you did.

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